do it ^^ im not afraid of and dont call admins 14 year girl see I reported him for insulting and he is calling someone ""stupid"" i dont know who
[IMG] Transalations tomatela puto === take it mo.... fuc...r vete a la mierda=== go to the shiet puto === mo.... fuc...r
yep^^ this should go to spam section
He Calls himself INMORTAL but we SpartanS put their names to the test!
i found out something. If u dont fight him and let him kill u he starts insulting ^^ anyway he is a crap with FO Ive duel him 3 times he never...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] ^^ ill miss him
Bigarchon..... we can have duel whenever u want
I dont have FO piece of crap +12+28+luck+ref+hp weapons +9+28+edr ^^ it was fun today killing ASERO, MrSuave, RustySky, AnimalTek and...
hell yep specially with blue eyes do you go college?
spamer......noob......weak...... u can hide in a safe zone that day if u want
its impossible to get simple sm wings lvl 3+ no opption and u want those
i would be happy if server1 didnt exist this is the second time I play a Romanian server, theyre really nice because of the people, conections,...
aaaa and there u have it so u can see I am not making things up learn to read SON!
1st:: its called LANGUAGE not tongue 2nd:: Dont call me dude coz im not-------- yeah you have to talk to an Admin cause u said ""ADMINS DO...
what did he say i dont know ro
waaaaaaaa i agree duri^^
First of all LEARN SOME ENGLISH so u can undesrtand what we tell to you Secondly I dont get why are you still ""discussing"" with users...
SpartanS story Spartans The Guild that will bring balance to the FORCE, in this dark age ruled by Colloseum dark forces with Councelor Palpatine...
u still owe me 10 jwls duri..... -_-
Bigarchon requesting to be recruitd Sir. This is Sparta!!!!
Separate names with a comma.