ce faceti ? defapt stiu ce faceti ... faceti ce faceti si va mai odihniti =))
hit . next person eats grass
neatza oameni rai :diablo:
yea yea get lost little girl . come online now lets see if you have same big mouth when i crush you like a insect ^^ so wazap people anything new ?
ce faceti ma astia ? =)) =)) =))
you 2 make me sick :annoyed:
cik stelisti unii da nu stiu sa zica 3 jucatori ahahahahhaha :: n00bs ::
people kill some pk4fun players for me :d i cannot come to cs im at work
maybe you should read first the server rules private msj or guild msj are not punishable, for private msj just use /whisper off and for guild bad...
neatza tzu :d l-ai vzt pe haos ? de cand e administrator numai e loc de el a uitat de unde a plecat :)))):thumbdown:
wazap my nabis guild members and amigos ? :))
numai dormiti atata ca a venit primavara :d e soare afara
yea maybe you stop atacking so in this case they can take the spot
ce face urziceni cu liverpool ? pronosticuri ceva ?
booooooorgin , nothing but hi and hello all i see here :blink: :thumbdown: :blink: something interesting no one has to say :dntknw:
since the ally no longer exists , thread unsticked !
what a "cool"(LAME) atitude you have, you broke the rules so you got punished, most people who have any brains learn from their mistakers and...
Separate names with a comma.