Romania .... Steaua :X :X :X
Guild VeteranS is back as part of DarkSide Ally ! if anyone wanna join pm in game C3nt or casp3ruL :)
Hello people, Guild VeteranS is back, as part of DarkSide Ally ! if anyone wanna join look in game for C3nt or casp3ruL . "][IMG] ps :...
i notice if i remove one item then i can atack again after a while, but i don`t wanna remove my skill tree . ill use it like this . tks for the help
i have 2 chars : asuL : and : casp3ruL : both have 32.000 at str and agi and on the spot after a while they both stop atacking... before when i...
i miss the old days ... :d
ce mai invartiti ? :)
Lion si Gix cand intrati pe joc sa`mi dati pm sa va dau cate 1 bless :))))))))))
wake up guys :))) ill give 1 bless each to first 3 people who post here :)))))))))
da chiar bate vantul pe forum pe aici :D tre facut ceva :)) ps : dau cate 1 bless primilor 3 care posteaza aici :)))))))))
eu ma dau cu trotineta :D :)))))
wake up :D
trezireaaaaaaa :))))))))
it works now . tks alot for the help guys :X
tks for helping me dark and tks for the set Bere :D :D:D :D now i only need excelent storm jahad boots and ancient magni piercing ring :D :D if...
i forgot the password of my forum account and the mail i made the account on :D its been to 2 years :)) so i got some excuse :D can anyone help me...
and or excelent storm jahad helm and boots and excelent piercing grove armor :D :D
guys i need ancient magni piercing ring and ancient warrior set gloves :D if anyone can help me that will be great :D :D
adi ma ajuti si pe mine cu ceva ? ca vad ca nu raspunde nimeni ti-am dat msj pe prv :)
Separate names with a comma.