Phill Collins - In the air tonight
Eu am vazut un char cu aripi lvl 4, BK mai exact si nu eram langa el cand le-a pus pe facut si printuri chiar, artau superb.
little bit tired
14.33 London sunny, windy and cold,1Celsius
Sting - Field of gold
juice London or Paris?
yeah...surprize cookie :P
Hello bloody....I mean d3volita :P
...hai noroc si la mai mare ...:P:)
party party party...let's dance
today was a beautiful day...sunny, no wind...nice...
ne-ai facut capul calendar cu semnatura ta:P...btw party again on my home....maine iar imi joaca neuronii in cap ca bilele in bolul de la bingo :P:P
The Thrillseekers - Warrior
some poor words for your eyes In your eyes the light the heat In your eyes I am complete In your eyes I see the doorway to a thousand...
this one looks like porn to you?:P:P
shitty days this week in London and Cantenbury(there is my job)rain,rain and more rain and cold and wind blows like hell and if I understand right...
lasa vrajeala ca oricum nu te crezi nici nu pe tine d'apoi altcineva :P:)
ye ye ye ...nice pics guys
neatza...hai sus ca iar a inceput o noua zi ...hai inca un efort,inca o zbatere inainte de weekend...
bafta la sesiune man noapte buna
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