25:03 - 22:00 PachA H and S event - 6 winners - 6 bok+5 and 6 afrofite tresures
mornin chaps:D....how are u today... nice ruel ure going home:D
Account name: capucino2 Character name: FemeiaMea Additional character name: Ammount of DM Coins: Virtual I Don't Know Status: NoN -...
^_^ i dont think so but who knows:D
that thing happend because of lag i think..when i died the register bar was already filled....:(....anyway great fight:D
we were a bit unluky tonight... but i promise well get better for the next 1:D....and from my point of view this was the best cs ever for the...
rreport inconclusive.....read the rules
and the DeathRow crew comming right back where the party is:cool: :cool: :cool: [IMG]
1)i dont agree on this....coz most of the sets "above" DK have poison or fire or earth rezistance anyway...so there is no point into giving other...
as casper already sed....we wanna keep the pk withing the max stats range....so that the ppl that are not maxed can easily grow....thats the...
18.03.2009-16:30-PachA and Haniel-Naked Mile Event-Prize-9 bok+5-3 Winners
i personaly think that up to DK set is the best....:D but on the options fact its hard to tell...coz most of the ancient sets opt...are already...
krest baned 2 dayz for bad language
LostDK baned 2 dayz for bad language
Oski baned 10 dayz for bad laguage and spaming
now thats not nice to say..but its ure problem with him..... mornings chaps:D....how's ure day??:D
c discutzii interesante:)))..eu zic sa kiss and make up:D shi problema rezolvata:)))
nice sking bro.....and about haniel thats funyyyy=)))
Congratz first of all to all of my aliance BROTHERS and to those that helped us......and to the oposing aliance for puting up a heck of a fight:D
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