Omg people ur just incredible,so what if he said so? can't u just don't mind it? he didn't even said the full bad word omg.. like running to ur mom..
I think he meaned /dance etc;)
Read this:
DM coin's are not ready yet.Info will be announced when coins are ready.
2008 - 11 - 18 20:43 eXtasy Scramble 5 winners +5bok each
U probably can't make them,and guide will be made when ur able to mix it.
lol now they definetly gonna tell..
if any 1 knows where to look for this set,please announce here,since many players wondering about it.
2008 11 12 18:55 eXtasy H&S 4 winners +5bok each
Yea,thats it ;)
I think hes trying to say that he lost weapon,while selling some other items to npc.. if i get it correct.
Yra;) Beje,lietuviškas MMORPG forumas
You sold it ? lolz p.s gm'ų krautuvės rasti jūs negalit;DD
I don't know what he thought about meaning ur mom,and talking about you'r or my mom is not an insulting,you are free to talk about whatever you...
Umm i dont see any insulting from DudekSM.. "ur mom" is not an insult,and not a badword either
It doesn't change anything if there is reason or not,you have to learn to control yourself.Thats first,second thing is if you can't do that,you...
Umm what do u need a guide for? i think its quite simple,nothink to explain;)
Those blades ruins everything.. ;DD What exactly have u had in ur mind by ****ing "us" ?;D
umm lol i dont understand what you mean,could you explain more further?
lol u really have a huge sign puma;D
Separate names with a comma.