Account name: (Won't be needed anymore) Character name: aimknight Additional character name: None Ammount of DM Coins: 0 DMcoins ingame +...
hp recovery is not cosidered as option, hihih . i hope so :D :D
Character name: aimknight Amount of DM Coins: 0 ingame + Virtual I dont know Status: Non - Transfered Character Grand Reset This Month: No...
this guy is insane . trying to insult an admin, pls take a look at this...
aw sorry i cancel my request, dont know that non exe that has no luck are cannot be added an option, sorry sorry tnx :(
just mail me in game if how much . aimknight'BMofBUTUANON
i offer 800 jwls for +edr+2% aimknight'BMofBUTUANON*
sir i added my stats in command accidentally, can i get it back pls ???? its 8k+ stats i added on command . pls fix it ( acc: (Hidden) char name:...
sir i added my stats in command accidentally, can i get it back pls ???? its 8k+ stats i added on command . pls fix it :(( acc: Hidden char name:...
im not asking how long you are playing man, im also playing MU since 2003 . and i play a lot of MU, and i also know the rules here. GM will judge...
sir i also have an SS when we are in a party with MASTERPOGI, we are completely 5 players in this SS . this is the next pt i made because they...
sir power in the SS of MASTERPOGI im not there because Ive been DC and DC when we are arguing in that spot . but im the PT leader there . ive been...
i would like to interrupt you bonus, before you ks .. did you ask us to PT you ? even thou im not in full pt it is in the rules that you should... this is the SS that will depend our side, you can see that...
theDice can we explain our side ? im in that spot for a long tym and they ks us and also took my members . before they ks i told NightRider about...
sorry sir i will place my new post on right place and with screen shot, tnx for reminding me sorry
xCrazYSMx is KS-ing and insulting us and also saying badwords to us
i accidentally added 9980 stats on my command and i want the stats back, need help GM !!! my account: glenn1219, character name:aimknight . tnx
Separate names with a comma.