One thing i noticed is that my char only got 20 points of fruit when doing lvl 400 quests
how much for berserkers?
Can you give an explanation as to why you would like it changed?
looks like ignore damage
although i don't participate in cs i think we need to do something to get more people active
siege server makes sense for such a short time...normal server should be at least 8 in my opinion since that is about the time people usually sleep
May i ask what the funny language is on the side after moving servers? when i move from normal server to crywolf or vice-versa i don't get it......
that was when i tested them...i have leveled up and added more strength...nothing has changed...
I have over 40+ more strength than required and enough agi as well and still+11 dealing quite a bit (3-4 times) more damage than the +15
So is there a way i can get the +15 back down to +13 so it isn't bugged anymore?
nice flame on time don't do it on a report thread...the point of the thread is to fix the difference between +15 and rest since +15...
Using drain life so get a consistent damage without any extra effects...and the point i am trying to make is that it shows how the min dmg from...
Didn't need to do that...just was after i tried connecting on server full (kept clicking on BlizzardMu) and got kicked out then it got stuck and...
Got kicked out when trying to log one account and now launcher is continually stuck at "Connecting to BlizzardMu Update server..." and the button...
1) you characters were deleted by someone who was able to figure out your account details 2) Where is the proof about dupers? Sephi said in a...
as far as i know on this server they only work in CS...
the blacklist is showing who has been caught breaking a rule and then which rule they broke...the more rules they broke the longer the...
pink opts only work during CS...just like the 380 wep dmg doesn't work unless during CS
James grow a pair and quit making assumptions without any proof whatsoever!
...and now you remove images moreluck?...there was a "->meet player" message within his screens sephi...and why did you remove the screens...
Separate names with a comma.