BTW, Phantom, stai si tu mai mult on in joc, si poti sa intri si pe HotZone TeamSpeak channel...:D:D
Nu s`a terminat...inca mai suntem...speram ca saxo sa fie deblocat... :(
Hi Atyla and welcome to the DiabloMu world. I wish you the best of luck. Take care :D
/whisper off is one of the best features more annoying people talkig trash to you :D
Right now ( in Rovinari ) it's kind of chilly :))...I`m not a big fan of the cold weather :P
but after that
SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM...
i think we have more
oh, wait a minute
and...SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM SpaM...
here is some more spam
time to spam
this will never end :((
Niggas, you better start posting in here or i will start to inflict pain in everyone who doesn't muahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Good Morning HotZone freaks :D
Separate names with a comma.