yeah ^^ you will need 120 Grand Resets to take it... and when you do.. you become GOD... none can kill you !
yeah I'm ready for CS... im wearing my pink thong and my blue bra!!!
and the noob called the pro.. naab ^^ :P why the damn thing is laagging so much today?
Ofc you're welcome to the dark side of madness on forums xD Elther: spammer^^ :P
LvLing is really really fast.. the first 4-5 rrs are hard after that you can manage 3-4 resets per day.. if not missing the my two new favourite...
Are you still alivee Combo ?? How are you doing?
Things are as they were from back in season 2 xD Though a bit bored ^^ it's nice to have you back.. not many old school guys are playing xD How...
Ellow Ellow DarkSiders xD Me is a bit back in the game... where are my cookies? xD
How are you doing Naabies?
Ellow Nabbies how are you doing? xD
naaa.. WarLords master will be a sexy, charming, icreadibly beautiful.. summner xD Morning :P
KK.. guys.... I'm making an elf :P
After a large amount of beer.. I found out what the pass is... though there are 2 questions I need to ask: 1. Is there a slot for a guild? 2. I...
Finneee :))) Still prepairing for cs?? wasnt that last week? :P
Moarning Boiz and Galz.. How are you doin'??
ellow ellow ellow :P How are you naabies doin'?
yeah a lot of items..... i sell then to the ncp for zen :P
Please post a Print Screen! As for now.. you're report is inclusive!
I changed it? when ? possible.. under the influence of beer... anyways... i will have few beers and i guess i will be able to remember it .. if...
Separate names with a comma.