Tick increase damage in webshop and in game it will be increase wizardy damage.
milaMi banned 1 day for ks
Accepted. Check ur PM
Report inconclusive. Read http://forum.gamesymbol.com/f11/%5Bread%5D-report-rules-390374/ You missed one screen:
Since is just 1 line and first time when got reported, he will be warned this time.
Be sure that u read http://forum.gamesymbol.com/f11/%5Bread%5D-report-rules-390374/ first
PM is not punishable as long as there are not racist words involved, next time use /whisper off to stop this kind of behavior. @next...
MagikZSW banned 1 day for inadequate language.
Report inconclusive. Read http://forum.gamesymbol.com/f11/%5Bread%5D-report-rules-390374/ @Ronnon, Universe how about don't talk if you don't...
Accepted. Check ur PM.
PM is not punishable as long as there are not racist words involved, next time use /whisper off to stop this kind of behavior.
These server informations are from last season, however the CM rates are the same.
Show me the entire report, because as I remember you wasn't banned only for that.
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/loser - meaning of "loser" word As you see there is not really a bad word. As long is just 1 line and he dont...
Those screens are from 2 weeks ago. As the rule says you have only 7 days to report someone, if that time has expired you will not receive a...
Report inconclusive. Read http://forum.gamesymbol.com/f11/%5Bread%5D-report-rules-390374/
Separate names with a comma.