Yea the idea is nice, sadly players are too lazy to post, as i've seen with my own eyes that a lot of them visit the forum. Anyway >thread...
Help Section cleaned ! Topics moved to Archive All problems that were fixed are moved there
goldens appear on both PVP and nonPVP server, you can catch at least one, so you have no reason to cry, you will get bigger yourself at some point...
wake up people stop nagging and do the 3rd lvl quest, add points to your skill tree "increase xp acquisition" and you wont need anymore xp bonuses...
the thread says "Pictures of you" this is not the spam zone so stop spamming, only post and comment about pictures.....warnings to follow for spammers
that was before we upgraded the server files the season was finished in june-july at the beginning of the summer and it was ready for launch,...
+lenesi ca sa intre pe forum, sau daca o fac>> lenesi ca sa posteze, de altele nu mai zic
For someone who has a serious lack of free time you sure seem positive you will get that much jwls,.... Let me remind you that MU is a 50% AFK...
Glad to see that CS is finally about fun and not pride. PS: Here's a present Cruel, check you Avatar :D [img] For telling the players:
next time try to warp the character to lorencia from the website at the anti-bug submenu
Do you like DiabloMu and want to be a part of our team that has a 4 years activity and help players ? Mu Master : To become part of our...
Do you like DiabloMu and want to be a part of our team that has a 4 years activity and help players ? Mu Master : To become part of our staff...
bine maestre, tu?
Heh,.....and so it begins:D
The database was wiped, create a new account on the website. Welcome back Lara.
Hundreds of players are online everyday on all 3 servers, and you couldn't find one to ask. Game Masters also go ingame and tell players to PM...
Separate names with a comma.