And Bam! another feather = bk wings lvl2 +hp :)
Sephi, are drop rates of monarch's increased too? :D?
Boom! Monarch is next! :ninja:
That would be awesome ^ otherwise Sick stuff we got going on here :D
God dammit james! We all know your elf is goddess.. i asked vengence, terra, and bunch of members from FATE, I have some SS of people calling...
Jams, why do you insist on writing stories for this forum if no on cares what you think? yeah sur you have an opinion, but no one really cares......
lmao :))
Crus, i'll be back in two days, dont let them get to you. Wait for me, and we'll get them back ;)
Atm there re 78 people active players. Welcome to the server! :D Pm me (Marathon) or Crusadius if you need a guild :)
But chaos cards are meant to be expensive. You cant just expect to kill WW and get instant "cash", correct? people pay for things like that, They...
Oh god, these two are so right. Kramer and Crus. I mean I started a bit after crus, and when he told me about this server, I didnt think much of...
Ahhh StoneCold get your bum bum outta here! :D
Try making the Mu windowed?
Take a print screen, put it in a photo editior, save it. upload via imageshack :)
We;;, No. The problem still occurs. I tried to go to, then click the link to blizzardMu, But i cant go to, So...
I need items for DL so far: Gloves = 53def Pants = 52def Boots = 48def Armour = 71 def Helm= 38def Pm me or mail me or contact me somehow if you...
You act like a child more than me :)
When do we get the coins + JoL? and can we choose what acc they go on? :)
April Fools!
Rofl, its not auto authority james... it not what im looking for at only 16.. you seem to take positive coments "awesomely", but when it...
Separate names with a comma.