The selling Price will only go as high as the servercan go... The droprates will be afflicted on the prices... The server is not going anywhere......
1. 2. 3....
If i am correct, this is about zen? I mean, the zen drop is pretty low.. and we all have to still buy pots becuase of our low lvl. I sometimes...
Omg your hilarious when you are drunk. But I like what You have to say mounch. Good thinking. this server would be awesome is some people didnt...
Ghost Mouse 2.0. It lets your click only, so no spacebar attatched.
AWESOME say u ingame, we talked heheh wlecome back bro!
Well then looks like you have a bad case of addiction on your hands! i suggest you take a break, go outside, communicate with the outerworld. I...
1. 2....
But you are still gaining ancients as a whole, while others aren't. P.S: i edited it because I thought it was mean to say.
you have LoT for 1.5months..and you have a crap load of ancients. thats alot..
What he said basically was just what I was gonna reenstate. its no fun with everyone getting full ancient set. theres no point from then on. It...
Hey TargeT!!!! HOWS EER GOING?
Welcome back! i remember you.. kinda :P
It doesnt work. I have tried it :P. you can try using a marco tool, but I really dont think thats aloud on the server. this topic has came up...
Sold the cape to a guild member! UPDATE Want to buy: exe scepter for DL ring and pendants exe (or hp rec non-exe) DL cape lvl 2 or 3
Defend succes rate, so like if the monseter hit you or not. thats why you have misses above your head when monsters attack you. look at your...
Want to sell: Selling RF cape +6 +inc def skill 27 +inc def 37% Want to buy: exe scepter for DL ring and pendants exe (or hp rec non-exe)...
Separate names with a comma.