Conflict between summoned monsters

Discussion in 'x10' started by sarkazmas, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. sarkazmas

    sarkazmas Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Yesterday we went to kill selupan, obviously his damage is way bigger than in gmo, not sure if it was intended or no. Secondly, after he killed me, he just teleported out of the hatchery. So we decide to go kill some evomoons. The frist evomoon is summoned and he goes crazy, stats teleporting like selupan, a minute or two later a message appears that the selupan has been killed twice. The summoned evomoon just disappears. Later on we keep summoning and killing evomoons, but they tend to disappear much earlier before they are supposed to, like 3 minutes after spawn, then u try to summon another one and it says that the evomoon can only be summoned in 2 minutes. Then there are these monster books, they tend to disappear too in a short while after spawning them, its not always but it happens. I think server needs to be restarted from time to time because there is obviously something wrong with the code and it causes conflicts between summons.

    Gave another try at Selupan, he teleported out again
    EDIT2: any sort of event like White Wizard or Golden Invasion seem to be removing spawned Evomoons.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2017
    superboyyy likes this.
  2. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    - Selupan's damage is exactly the same as on gmo, it all comes down to your defence values.
    Logs: [12:45:11] [ RAKLION ] MinDamage(2500) Damage(2500~3000)

    - Selupan teleporting out of hatchery? Maybe it just teleported multiple times when you got close to him, sometimes it teleports more often but that's normal.
    Logs from last selupan's teleport [12:49:16] [Selupan] Warp [142,26] -> [139,29] and this is not outside of the hatchery. Record a video while fighting selupan so we can see what you see.

    - You summoned an evomon where exactly when it started crazy teleporting like selupan?

    - Ignore the global gold messages saying Boss X has been killed multiple times, it may happen sometime but it's just visual and the boss gets killed only once.

    - I can confirm that summoned book monsters are removed the moment when another event involving summoning a monster takes place such as WW, Golden Invasion. Seems to be a flaw in the S10 coding and not influenced by a server reboot or if the server runs for a long time without a reboot. If such event starts soon then I suggest for now to either wait before summoning or you may drop the books of monsters invocation in a different subserver such as the Siege or Market server (the server hosting BC/DS/CC, etc) as White Wizard, Goldens and other bosses won't spawn in there.
  3. sarkazmas

    sarkazmas Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    So we've killed Selupan, anyway he 1 hit me with 7k hp and ee buff! no sense. By the way he gave me ruud lol this is insane. Bosses should not give either ruud or drop it should give drop all the time.. Twice in a row kundun dropped nothing not even ruud!!
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
  4. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    @sarkazmas I need to see your hp stats and a video of that selupan dealing 7k+ damage in one hit because I just checked it myself and out of 5 attempts I never got into such scenario so video is a must. As for the bosses (those who do drop ruud because not all of them do), they cannot and they won't drop both items and RUUD. They will drop items in 80%-90% cases and 10%-20% cases they will reward you with RUUD so this is quite a low chance reward alternative and obtaining plenty of items from bosses shouldn't be a problem. Sure we can remove RUUD completly from bosses but I haven't see anyone complaining about this so far in the x10 or x100 server neither any suggestions made to remove it, on the contrary it's actually a welcome feature by the community and most servers do use the same model with RUUD reward for bosses because players want to obtain from some other places too besides BC/DS/CC. Do remember we are always open to suggestions though.
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