Solved Bought the wrong seal

Discussion in 'x10' started by Kentwood, Jul 10, 2017.

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  1. Kentwood

    Kentwood Member

    Jul 7, 2017
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    Dear EternalMU Administration,

    I'm very sorry about for this, I know it's my fault and I don't want to take much of your time, however is there a way I can return my coins for Seal of Wealth (7 days)? I'm already on Master Level and I just accidentally bought the normal one instead of master. Or you can swap it with the Seal of Master Wealth (7 days) if that's possible. It's in my x shop and I haven't activated it.

    My in-game name: Kentwood

    Best regards,
  2. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    You will have to use it on a different character since it's still inside the shop inventory.
  3. Kentwood

    Kentwood Member

    Jul 7, 2017
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    Done. I've used it on another character and deleted it, so it's gone. Can I have my coins back instead please?
  4. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    My post doesn't even contains the word "delete", why would you do such thing? I said you can activate the seal on a different character and still make a use of it since the shop inventory is tied to your entire account not per character, that's all. There are two important text lines that you have to confirm everything you're trying to buy anything from the xshop:
    > Your purchased item will be expired after one year from the date of purchase.
    > You cannot cancel the purchase nor refund once you buy the items.
  5. Kentwood

    Kentwood Member

    Jul 7, 2017
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    I'm not definitely playing other chars on my account so it's useless. I thought that I'd have to use it just get rid of it so you could return coins or change the seal for me, as it's not there anymore. So, as I understand purchase can't be refunded, but I'm asking just for a swap. It was just an accident, it seriously can't be changed for another seal? Rules are rules but there's a ''human factor'' also, besides I donated for the seal to support the server, so I'm shocked a bit with your reply. I wouldn't bother if it was 100 coins, but 700 that's a good amount of coins wasted. Nevertheless, if the seal can't be changed I will have to take it and move one. So be careful what you buy guys..

    Pease, have a good day Ezekiel. :)
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
  6. sarkazmas

    sarkazmas Senior Member

    Jun 10, 2016
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    I'm sure Ezekiel could be a little more flexible and show a helping hand :rolleyes: So far Kentwood has respected every single rule of the server, been very helpful to all the players he saw needed a hand. He is a truly respected Player. xShop is a shop and usually when we buy something from shop we can actually take it back and get the refund. Whilst refusing to do so definitely does not cheer the buyer which means he probably won't ever come back to the shop which means profit loss. It somewhat puts players negativity towards the server and it probably stacks in time and the player decides to stop playing eventually. I know it's somewhat childish but let's not forget this is not a real world, it's just a virtual game and game should not be as rough as the world is, well in this case the game is more rough than the world outside. If no then no, it was worth the time ;) Thanks for reading :p
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
    Offspring, Kentwood and NightBlue like this.
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @sarkazmas, that doesn't make anyone an exception from the rules considering there are people playing for years here and never asked for that but it's not even about the rules and let me tell you there are many players who gave others a hand not just your buddy. Why shouldn't someone pay more attention rather than asking for flexibility which involves database editing (always a bad thing to do, reason why majority of servers keep this policy) when screwing up and can't accept his own mistake. Additionally it's quite hard to understand how can one buy an item by mistake when you have to go through three clicks and one confirmation window that apparently got ignored before getting that item then make it even worse activating it on another character and deleting it which has no logic and only makes things worse. Yes, you donated for the server to show support and we always appreciate that hence you got your reward in credits but you shouldn't expect special treatment or the need to demand and get mad at someone else if things don't go your way. It's because it's a virtual game as you say then this should have more sense then, you don't really see people purchasing wrong stuff all the time and asking for replacements, of course you need to pay attention to what you buy just like in any other transaction. @Ezekiel pointed out that the items inside your shop inventory last for a whole year so it can be used for that account, on a different character at a later date so that's merely advice as some might as well do that if not then it's totally fine and he will just say so.

    @Kentwood, will answer your pm shortly, having some issues reading conversations from my phone as they don't load for some odd reason.
  8. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    @sarkazmas, this is more complex than what I normally do so @Gix has to take over this case and he is already discussing this with @Kentwood to replace his bought seal. In my post I specified that he can activate the regular seal on a different character not that he's obliged to do so or that he's not being helped. I cannot understand why you're twisting my own words and use them in a different context so please refrain from doing that into the future as I'm not a fan of it. Let @Gix and @Kentwood deal with this and solve it, a 3rd party person isn't required.
  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Now that this whole confusion (or whatever this was) has been clarified, details and logs have been checked thanks to @Kentwood providing me the required details in a previous conversation and the 700 WC have been refunded. As an advice, pay attention to what you buy and if you face issues or you do some mistake then let us know and be patient while avoid touching the problematic character because if it's db complexity related then it's something I usually have to take care of since each one of us hold different roles here.

    superboyyy, Kentwood and sarkazmas like this.
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