opinion i and ii are good opinion iii i dont agree pk is the fun of the game and drop item with pk i think is not good
yes i saw too gix ...and if you have time check ip bigboy and java...
But I do not hurry, I would wait until you judge if I am able
yes we can fix that 2 things with mu char i think i am a quiet guy and with my english can fix that but there are also players from greece that...
DeathBoY sry
1. NAME :Nikos 2.AGE: 24 3.Country : Greece 4:GMT +1 5.In-game Name:DeathBoY 6.Mu experience:I started out play different privates servers...
i can add too that kent boss and chipeo kill me too fast 1 hit is thats trange and players master lvl200 cant kill me one hit also about this dl...
ok but you think iam crazy your company make reboot to remove dino bug and nova right they can do this one day later ...all my members want to...
what happend gix want to play with us we hunt a lot of jogs to repair castle and you reboot it 2 times LOST ABOUT 60 JOGS...WE CANT PLAY CASTLE...
i think is not good idea to put reset because the game is unfair,, when alot of ppl get to 200 ML then you should add reset ...now that players...
This is not true all server i have played when you switch inside throne room and log in you are out of throne room and cp not get full...thats a...
i kill iox in vulcanus and after this his was in safe vulcanus and life up and his hands attack too i have a small video to show you check this...
hi iam deathboy i also have problem with increase pvp defense success rate when it was at lvl 7 defense rate 1380 and low at rank 10 1160
after 10 hours afk barracks no drop condor flame ...why that and in all maps i lvl before no drop condor flame can you check this admin...?
i got problem with blizard mu account is already connected admin fix that
this gate when nightmare kills you cant join says all time failed ...i would like to know what time this gate open because no writes one min...
hi gix i would like to inform you that i send my mail and i really need your help because i cant log inside the game only late hours at night i...
i have problem with mucuard case 017 i have problem with mu guard all time case 017 i make a lot of restart pc and nothing can you help me fix...
admin i see people from different guilds join in land of trials i check the gatekeeper but still they join pllz take a lokk at it...
i understand this ... and i am sry ...
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