He had spot for himself , and i asked him for party. He said no , then i told him i'm allowed to kill him tho i didn't... and then he started to...
We have space for 1 more BK, str MG, SM , RF, agi ELF, DL. Give me a tell in game thru email or here thru pm. Thank you.
yeah maybe you're right
got 4 feathers to be exact after 6 hours , thats too much isnt it ? Not going to sell em :P Besides i made a good use of em already ;)...
Sorry to say but they drop really a lot, maybe lower them a bit? Im telling you this after few hours in icarus on AC spot. Like i told you in game...
party works as you are 5 , but it enchance exp only a little
He's killing the party not for the spot he;s doing it just because . You can PK and KS if you want the spot, but he's doing it just to annoy...
Had to read it a few times, cute. But i wont go to the damn arena just because some random guy force me to by killing our party.
I've got a life . I just don't use it.
Abusing RF power. ( no fun here guys they 1 shot ppl :P) Anyhow . well included ;) And as a proof to what you just wrote here... griefer is...
Hp pots are ok, makes shops useful ;) and you cant pvp forever. And besides why split the community ? all should be together ;)
Yeah he's beeing mean all the time, i could hunt him down and kill him while hes afk but what would that change ? So try this subject mate :...
I know right?.... and like i predicted here's mr zzzzz killing mine and Athines party, devias was full of ppl this time around....
sorry for spam, i cant edit my post , could you consider deleting cords from the web so stuff like that wont happen? Not only zzzz but other...
BTW expect him tonight in Icarus, obviously he dont give a damn what GmS says . He fly thru the spots and kill EE's. So night party in devias...
Za granicą to ładnie pisze a dla polaków to tak-o :P a potem sie dziwić że polska ma źle we własnym kraju . hehe Pozdrawiam.
Red Wizzard keeps all to himself Helou community, i dont know if it's the right place to post as im not sure if it supose to be like this or not....
Why? Tired of this whenever you go ? [IMG] yeah... As players progress , there are more and more ppl going higher maps. In my opinion you...
they also add damage / def. but whatever. Already used to it
Hah , i just hope beeing no1 in ranks wont be the main thing that attract people . Im not looking for party / item beggers just some decent...
Separate names with a comma.