ok ms :thumbup: si sarbatori fericite :speak_cool: ps: si cu RespectAllPlayers cum ramine, lesi pe toti asa sa ma fac sai injur da?
1) tu nu intelegi, ca asta e un bugg la web, trebuie sa restituie toate punctele nu numai 71704 puncte, daca poti socoti, trebuie sa am peste 120k...
salut am o problema am MG MOLDOVAN are 48 rr sunt full stats, am adaugat un punct din greseala, aviam peste tot 32767, (mai aviam si in plus...
Platina Staf lk edr 2% Dark Master Helm lk dd ref Pm me in game SVImaster
flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood...
Edited by SephiroTH Brains OFF Hacking Skill NONE Good luck PS: The attackers were polish so don't even think SVImaster did anything ... he...
you made me pk,not have allowed for the event? Admin, why HotZone only those enter to Crywolf event,kantru event... etc. others who were not in...
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/94/112915240000.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/440/112915240001.jpg/...
You dont have print with you alone on spot. :thumbup1: PS: I have not been PM and i am MOLDOVAN
aiciasi intrebare o am si eu, 1) de ce sunt asa putini goldeni, de acum 3 zile... 2) la mine la fel dispar chiar si cate odata nu cade box+5...
I thought myself to such a question, why?
pro :peace:
hahahahha :spam:
i see 2 words (retarded, handicapped) where is other????? and need to use f4? GM right or no ?
in PM vb ce vrei.
nimic ?
ugly :thumbup1:
salutare, cind va fi in functiune vote reward system...
I'm for you. good luck...
Separate names with a comma.