I'm not from the philippines, So I can't recommend an isp, however when it comes to wired vs wireless. Wired will always be more reliable, but if...
F4 needs to be maxed. This is very small, I will give a small warning. No punishment.
Punishment stands since there's a response to his pt request. Your response image doesn't have the guild tab open nor do you have a shot of you...
Let us know if that doesn't fix it. Also remember to take off level required items until you are the correct level such as Weapons, Armor, Pends,...
F4 is not maxed, however will receive in-game warning on 2nd offense.
24 hours DangerKid.
Well this is a little old now, but I think it would be fair to just have small hp pots. This way new players can still outheal the small damage...
tryt 24 hours. 1st offense. Maestro Warned + Moved.
These one word comments don't help the discussion. Please add your opinions why you voted the way you did please. :smile:
Seriously you guys have to stop doing lazy reports like this... [REPORT] PLAYERNAME REASON And do me a simple courtesy and include which...
F4 not maxed, also looks like a whisper. Wrong section. Thread Moved.
Well it's fine for your first few resets. BK's have high evasion (rate) and defense from sets so vitality will be more for pvp or goldens until...
Well if you're trying to solo, 1k ENE , 1k AGI Then put as much as you need in Str. Once you can easily take hits from all of the arena mobs,...
I know what you're saying. I'd like to make an exception but then other players would expect the same thing. I can't always vouche for the other...
If the carnage ticket can be placed in personal store, add it in there then reset. I know quest items cant be gotten rid of in that way. If the...
Well since there's some inconsistencies in the date, I will send him an in-game warning and move him to lorencia if he is still ksing right now....
I've seen him online a lot for quite a while. He participates in events and doesn't cause any problems. I think he's a good choice. :thumbup1:
Pushing G is the only way to verify you're on server 1 at the moment. Unless SephiroTH wants to program C (Character info) to show Character Class...
As much as I'd like to punish this player since it will be his 3rd recorded offense, you don't have the guild tab open to verify the server or the...
Separate names with a comma.