you said you quit bcoz of duping and loss of wings . Everybody knows it , and fyi i still did not delete my chars EVER ;), you never duped but...
i thought you quit ^^ . but seems you're a liar :X . Adam Adam adam nice sets you got going there , easy when you have duped jewels ^^ :X
Duper Duper Duper :>
wow , mozzie is back at blizzard although his wings were from dupped items ^^ . Fail !
yeah it was fun xD. But still server should reset database and keep non pvp stuff and rules and still lower mobs hp and stuff , anyway good luck blizz
Sephiroth , i played quite a few server , on a 5 exp server i have a 330 + sm , on a 10 exp server i have a 300 mg , on global mu i have a 250 bk....
well i guess , the administration could take it into consideration . I see servers like true it's for italians- a national server) has 150 online...
nice to see old faces. That's why i came to check what's going on , since i have seen on other servers the old blizz players.. So i would suggest...
Just a quick question regarding the server. How are things going ? Did you consider a database reset ? Hi , from PureSoul ^^
I got no life ...
And here is to you Sephiroth The big liar " Auto-loot ruins game play, never will be integrated, just like the romanians , all liars."
Rather then giving you legion my set , i'd rather npc it . You know what you're right i'm going on server to give to old friends.
by Seph James check that server news and see 20 ppl banned for bugs explosion. Their servers got muengine files and eh ... they do have a lot...
I still say Liam is better than what your server has to offer at the moment. Since for example character disappear in the rankings( puresoul...
PureSoul quit because his character was deleted , maybe it was the same bug kramer had or maybe sephiroth just deleted the account, but lets just...
And what do you think the outcome of this will be tom? i noticed administration doesn't care about the problems , sure sephiroth doesn't have the...
But first of all there is no official punishment going on , i just woke up with 3 accounts deleted or bugged . But this is how things work here ,...
Can i get a answer?
Where did they go ? Let sephiroth reply thanks. [IMG] [IMG]
you know what , here kratos, kramer , arabella , **** you - seriously . Sephiroth , get a better administration staff, please ban my ip and...
Separate names with a comma.