Nightmare, balgass, kundun and cherry mix will focus more on the medium tier excellent items such as great dragon, red spirit, etc starting with...
Solved, a rootkit suspicious application (now deleted) was running in backgroud while being injected into multiple windows services and other...
Values over 65535 are visually reseted in most mu clients as informed into the description thread so in this case you...
Use the edit feature that the forum provides you with and don't double post. That file is a log file, it's normal for it to appear again as it...
I thought you said the firewall was set to off, and have you tried to run the game again after you hit yes? Go ahead and see if Windows Defender...
You don't have to download the game again but if you already did try extracting it in D:\ or something instead of desktop as some some windows...
If you played other mu servers then you should be aware that some people might got a similar problem to yours that they didn't experienced with us...
Wrong section but moved it to Help Desk. The event is a non-pvp one however the entrance coordinates were not and we had to add a setting for...
Who told you sol drop is disabled? It isn't as sols were used on the first siege too (both alliances registered 1000~3000 sign of lords). @Ezekiel...
Try not to use two different contact methods that concern the same subject in the future, one is enough for us to see it. Your PM has already been...
No, crywolf is a hunting map, there won't be any spots there. Now that you got maxed you can hunt for it just like others did while you were...
Rare drop in events like nightmare/imperial, senior mix and chaos cards. They're normally given during some special events like forum events for...
No public list for the rewards. As @Shameless said, the more you exchange (30>20>10) at once the more chances for better exec items, pets and less...
Hello @ishenard and it's great to have you in our community, especially with the nowdays mu owners that launch one month servers like crazy which...
late night spam
jedi is dead though ...
Imperial and doppleganger are two different events though, different ingredients drop, mechanics, drop rate formulas and so on. Anyways to keep...
And you're saying that because of the changed terrain? You need to get familiar with the game mechanics in this case as it's the same event and we...
Make a video next time and post the link here as I just did a doppleganger 10 minutes ago and had no issues. I joined a second dopple on the...
Separate names with a comma.