Never say never.
Maybe you saw a notice that the boss has been killed, not that it spawned which are two different things.
Go to the next selupan invasion and if it still happens then record a short video so we can actually see what are you talking about.
meh ...
Thats how webzen designed this feature and I wouldn't say it has a low usability. A backpack refers to extra space and it's like having two mini...
In eX8 versions the game doesn't loot items to the extended inventory when the main one gets full like it used to have in older seasons (old...
[x100] [!] Scheduled maintenance has been completed and server updates have been applied [x100] [+] Added back rena requirement for /offstore...
Maintenance has been completed and all servers are back online, thank you for your patience.
It's the same on the official server so consider it as normal (even if it's not that normal), aoe doesn't always hit mobs that sit right next to...
Post a video as I can't know on what you're refering since you don't seem to know much about rf skills. Maybe watch other youtube videos too of rf...
Hello everyone, Please note that we will be conducting a planned maintenance on 27 April in order to install operating system updates and test...
That's how I remember it too but can't say if it's 100% accurate as it rarely happend to me, probably because I always used to rush straight to...
Unfortunately no one was able to fix it so far as this bc bridge bug not dropping completly exists ever since 0.97d version and it's literally on...
It's a good idea to close all background applications if some of those applications are injecting into the mu process and closing it. I use cc...
10664 :confused:
Yea try to reinstall in a different folder, make sure the folder is writable so the log file gets created, this way we can trace down the program...
I looks like some process gets injected into the main executable. When exactly does the game window closes for you? Randomly, after x minutes or...
Your welcome, anytime.
Try checking the DEP settings and turn off windows defender/essentials. Also did you added the mu folder into avast exceptions list?
Separate names with a comma.