I would prefer keeping post and offence because it really is the only way to change peoples behavior regarding their disgusting language . If you...
Why not ? Because it is a bug ? Or the server doesnt want the rf to have extra stats ? Can't gix decrease stats for us ?
My vip ran out ages ago , the item was borrowed from another guild member , your intrusion within this report is useless . Stop posting since it...
This is Cobra , manifesting himself . I consider it to be inappropriate language from a guild leader , but it really is up to you to decide. I...
When i opened the box i found out that dupe doesn't mean 2 items of the same serial
Because i know i could help :D ! I bought myself a microphone now i can use team speak :D. I love my new microphone :D
However true it may be , my posts didn't affect the server because they got deleted quickly. I believe any in game help is welcome , but of...
This isn't bad , seeing players unite . And since you got a common goal ( me not becoming a gm ) i believe this would even things out on the...
Shouldn't there be like a languages spoken section XD? Did i forget to add it ? I speak : Romanian, English , Spanish . If it helps
I thought it was under report section , i assumed .. oh , how you can get things wrong ^^ . If within report section then usually the parts...
Darkseid , we shouldnt get involved unless its about us . I'll say my opinion but i know it doesnt count :D since im not implicated. I watched...
1. Name : Cicio James 2. Age: 23 3. Country: Romania 4. GMT+2 5. In-game Name : PureSoul 6. Mu Experience : I guess it's quite...
Because as shown in the screen shot Mu master gavreiltor , lahap is shadowed by loren market and is a problem if wanted to be used , also the walk...
So when i came up with the wings +12+L+ign+hp at 100 % chaos machine rate to be returned after failing only answer i got was " NO " , when i...
This season 6 episode 3 has been up for 7 or 8 months . Can you tell us Gix , will it reach 2 years ? Because i wanna know if i should take it...
I agree with whatever will bring players to the server ! :). As a ragefighter you are good in pvm and pvp. No other character stand a chance , so...
I agree with Terra , if this would give other chars a chance against rage fighter i'm for it. It's your call Gix !
you will get banned for not even reading the replies to your own thread . http://forum.gamesymbol.com/f543/dinorant-disappear-storage-525355/
http://forum.gamesymbol.com/f544/dinorant-disappear-525341/ don't open new threads for the same problem
So you know how the server has been configured ? What do you have to compare the current rates to ? Is there a default system that has to be...
Separate names with a comma.