You musn't get mad regarding my post , i'm not advertising anything , but we all know about the official mu online server and the other crappy...
Hello eternal mu online , i've just decided to return to the private server scene after playing some global mu , the service on the global server...
i was talking in normal chat my friend , and i can also have an opinion , was i being racist ? NO , you call yourself a pinoy and im sure you...
is that by any chance related to me being racist ? o_O , isn't normal chat unpunishable ? For you Restless , enjoy your time and read the rules :...
Player Name: RestLess,Naldo Server: x10 Type of Hack/Scam/Bug Abuse: Abusing rules second time Description/Proof:
Player Name: Restless,Alakazam, Gamma + whoever i missed ! Server: x10 Type of Hack/Scam/Bug Abuse: Spamming Description/Proof:...
i don't know how to send the files @Ezekiel
@Gix , @Ezekiel , can't we change the season of the server because i feel that click bug might make players move away , it makes pvp , hunting etc...
Hi , i have started to get random d/c every night , this has happened before in my life time , i don't understand why eternal mu sometimes uses...
do not add weapons in lacleon , that will ruin the fun , THIS IS A LONG TERM SERVER , get used to low rate servers , not 999999999 exp , peace
Check out Matheu on website ranking 10 xp , +14 armor lucky set 2 +7 dd %
jewels of elevation i think , i looked in ranking and some people have +13 set lucky 2 , i understand u can add damage reduction option , im not a...
Hi , you know i'm all about helping the server stay online and everything , i have one problem , this lucky set can have joh option added to it ,...
I'm posting this suggestion before we have the cry babies come and complain that jewel rate is to low or jewel of life rate is to low , there is a...
Gix , our father ^_^. At the guy who pk's our alliance , just wanted to mention that i was called a troll as well and i donate , so trust me no...
I was combining 255 golden cherry blossom branches , when i hit combine i got disconnect along side all my 3 accounts , could this be the reason...
i would also like to know if it's normal for ancient items to drop from vulcanus?
I honestly can say that it would be great for the jewels of extensions to be hunted , this would let normal players hunt them and the ecoiners buy...
the extension jewel drop price is ok , but the items drop so fast
So we go and test Medusa, medusa smashes a 9 k hp rf with ml 100 and ee buff in 1 hit , well lets be a bit serious .. that is just too much , the...
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