Gix just to let you no carnage stop working again about 3-4 days now
Buying Hyon Hyon Gloves Hyon Boots Hyon Helmet Hyon Sword Basically Full Hyon Set Hyon Items + Luck Mainly
I Cant Wait :D This Will Be Fun Woop Woop :D
Can't Wait Till It Becomes 1 Sever An I Know It Will Be PK Sunrise You Played Season 6 Am I Right ?! I'm Sure It Was More Fun You Get PK, Your In...
Remember On Season 6 You Made 1 Server And It Was PK Only I Think It Would Good If You Did That Again Players Would Be More Active Would Make...
Buying Slypid Ray/Dragon Knight Items + Luck Or + DD & REF = Gemstone
Gay sm's :D
Thanks Gix
When I try to add stats back won't let me says I'm max stat :/
I used the restart thing an all ma dl stat 1 can u fix it. Dl name Frisco
I'm kinda confused I no this not a 999x server so many plays wont play it put why can't u try something new not saying make server 999 x cause I...
Just A Suggestion How About A New Web Page :) Something More Interactive. - GM Online Bar So we no when a admin or gm is online - Event...
Fair Enought I Understand Nothing I can really say to that you have a really good point Everyone always pic the easy what 9999x servers so much...
No one gonna vote tho cause they don't get anything for it if there was something you can vote to get people would I vote every now n then why...
Just a simple question is there anyway or something we can do to get more people to join this server ?! I just want more players on this...
Does this mean dl skill fire scream fixed ?!
I'm sorry about that :( I was trying to get fire scream to work longer do you no anyway I can do that?!
Haha ya ice shot an fair enough I understand thanks
Player name Frisco
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