Wings of Conqueror

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by arch, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. arch

    arch Member

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Unbelievable; a character named, SWEDBANK has wing of conqueror already and this is unfair. A lot of players don't even have their 3rd wings yet and this is unacceptable. He used all his characters (+friends to let him win) to participate the certain event to obtain the prize (which he doesn't deserve). Admin, it's like an abuse, but yes you wouldn't probably consider it. You should've implemented this type of event (Chaos Castle survival of the fittest) after 3 months when majority of the players can handle the event to rumble.
    Furthermore, Wings of Conqueror +0 (71% for both absorb/inc damage) is better than having +15 3rd wing (67% for both), and he had no sweat of obtaining that :)
    I also know it's temporary, but it last for 28 days then he could win all over again :D

    Peace you all
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    And why exactly should we disable an event like CC survival for 3 months when there was plenty of time to level up and reach atleast the maximum level by now. The event, together with the prize are part of this game and it works just as on the official server while on most private servers out there this event isn't even coded so there is nothing unfair with working features that are part of the game especially with a cool event like this one, it's not like they are given to individual players by admins or sold for cash like it happens on those pathetic servers that call themselves professional. He had to compete with everyone that registered to the CC survival and this event takes place at the begining of each month where only one winner will get the non-tradeable wings for 28 days but it's not mandatory for someone to win the event either. For instance, previous moth had no final winner because people failed the event and the same thing could happen several months in a row, there is no guarantee that the same player or any player is going to win the next CC survivals as the event could end with no winner at all if the monsters push the participants out of the castle or if someone else does a higher score than last man standing.
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