Where to lvl up really?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Universe, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Universe

    Universe Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Well hi everyone, i'm new on this server. Although i'm not new to the game, i'm pretty new to slow servers. The thing is that i know if i stuck my eMG and eElf on icarus, while i sleep, about 10 hours, i can make like from 310 to 325 or 330 maybe? But i can't, because my elf has a common bought Wind set from noria and my eMg has a legendary one, bought in devias store. So i hit 400dmg to the teal monsters on icarus and it's very slow, and in Tarkan, i can't let them because both die even with aura. I say REALLY, because u can say, go to tarkan, go to icarus. CAN'T LVL THERE.

    My eMG: Universe (Lv 306)
    My eElf: Neer (Lv 308)
    My DW: Funny (Lv 296)

    I'm in LT7 now with the mg and elf, it's not THAT slow, but it is slow, i mean not slow like a slow server, but i think u understand how hard it is to lvl up when u are lvl 310 almost in Losttower 7. With help of the AWESOME guild named LIGHTS i reach lvl 296 in like 45 mins, with help of LIGHT's GM PCap.
    So yeah, if you could help me with this i'll appreciate it very much.

    Also random question. The items worth in credits on the webshop, the ones u buy trading online hours and stuff. How are they? I mean, normal +15 items or what? I've seen like complete +15 exe sets and stuff, and me with my Legendary bought from devias, i'm jelous xD.

  2. 2pLs

    2pLs Member

    Oct 2, 2011
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    Hello Universe. All items from webShop is exc. About lvling what i can say...If nobody wants to help you stay on Losttower7 until u make lvl to get more points. After u go in Tarkan 1 on the first spot. To get better items pick up Gold Medal. Gold Medal drops items +7+9 maby u r lucky and u get a better staff. If i'm online in the game i will help you to make the first reset. Just PM me in game. My nick is Kuky. Good luck
    Gix likes this.
  3. n0cturne

    n0cturne Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    need more help mate ? :)
    Gix likes this.
  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Hello universe and welcome.

    As you can see people will help you so don't worry about being new to low exp servers :) You will get used to it after first resets
  5. Raikan

    Raikan Member

    Oct 28, 2012
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    Hello Universe,

    Welcome to DiabloMu. If you having trouble leveling, just ask around for help. I'm sure everyone here is more than happy to help you out. If you can't find anyone to help, please pm me (PCap, iRaikan) as I will be more than happy to help.

    P.S. Just a little background about LIGHTS, its was made recently to help out new players like yourself to grow. The vision was made to basicly based on the (chain-of-favor), as one player grow they're expected to help smaller grow with them. Most new player come in the server and see players with Webshop set +15, get discourage easily and quit. Not even giving the server a chance...I started 6-7 month ago, but I have plenty of items from webshop!So its not impossible to get items from webshop. Once again, just ask for help.....we won't bite Muhahha :p

  6. Universe

    Universe Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Hey PCap i'm funny, i decided to make some more chars now i have an Eelf, Emg and a RF!!

    I've said on /post if someone could help me but nobody answers, the only one was n0cturne, and i really apprecieate that. No i have an eMG lvl 340, an eElf lvl 342, a RF lvl 290. I'm at icarus, lvling rly slow, it's something, but i'm getting really bored. I have those chars in 3 different account ofcourse, but if only i could reset ONE of them, it'd be awesome.
  7. Raikan

    Raikan Member

    Oct 28, 2012
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    Making more characters is definitely a good choice! As for using post for help...I'm sure everyone was Offline/AFK, as they have other things to do. I was online yesterday, but didnt see you...so I couldn't really do much. However, if I was a new players like yourself and there absolutely no one to help you.. I would place all my characters together (need elf) and place them in Stadium. This isn't the greatest place to get EXP, but its nearly impossible to die overnight/AFK. As for myself, my GMT is definetely different from your. But I'm sure we will see each other during the weekend, and I promise you will make your first reset then! :p
    P.S. Your funny?....I didnt see any joke ^^

  8. Universe

    Universe Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Hehe i see what u did there.

    Yeah stadium is good, i tried but the exp is pretty low. Also now my mg is near to the 3rd reset and my elf to the 2nd. Having an eElf it's hard to lvl up without party, practically impossible yet. But i manage to lvl up my mg faster every reset untill i can hunt easy on every map and then help other chars of mine faster than now. Now i need to reset fast and having the elf in party is enough. I think it would be better if party improves exp, that's something will make old and reseted characters having no problem on doing party with someone.
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