Want to recover account

Discussion in 'Archive' started by llVIU, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. llVIU

    llVIU Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    hello, I want to recover my old account named llVIU from News - EternalMu - MuOnline Private Server

    if I go to lower left and click for "live support" nothing happens, so I ask here instead

    It asks me for my mother's maiden name, but that's kind of thing never works to keep accounts safe, and it only makes us users unable to access our own accounts. How can I reset my password and have the new password be sent via e-mail to me or something?

    I know the account name, llVIU, and I got the e-mail, I was also able to enter diablomu server via the game (it was the server in middle, I think it was called diablomu?) but if I try to enter eternalmu server it says "invalid account". Maybe wrong password? maybe I changed password, I don't know.

    I could just make a new account, but next time I want to play MU again in several years, I will not remember at all the new account name.


    I'll just make an account llVIU2 and when a mod comes, maybe he will be nice enough to rename the account from llVIU2 to llVIU, I hope
  2. llVIU

    llVIU Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    I can't edit my post for some reason. Oh well

    I noticed that I can log into the eternalmu server with the nice 1000x exp. It says there are players online but I haven't found a single soul around :( It's not like the old days, but there are still improvements to the game.

    Anyway, I just want to reset my password on the WEBSITE now, otherwise, how can I put my stats or reset my character?

  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Password can be reseted by entering the right details you have used upon registration.

    I fail to see your logic behind this. That kind of things are actually those who keep your account safe and lets you reset your password.

    You should start using a password manager or note the details down on a piece of paper.

    Same details apply in order to login on the website.

    There are just a few people around, forum low activity says that as well. MU servers are not currently as managed as they were back in the days. Everyone waits for the wipe but there is no ETA when this will happen at this moment. I'm not even sure if this project shall continue or it will be discontinued either but we shall see.
  4. john35

    john35 Member

    Jul 9, 2015
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    It's a pity that not many people are playing these days. I just started playing, but of course it would be better with more people participating. What about setting up a new server and starting afresh? Would that be an option?
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    This has been already discussed in the forums.

    A new server setup and starting fresh is something that is going to happen for sure but once again, no ETA on that for now. First of all it's summer, secondly I have other personal projects to take care of the moment.

    This game was far more popular few years ago when we had 1000+ online /per each server but nowdays webzen ruined everything with all this new lame seasons and stuff. Not to mention the new Season 9 offline level/auto-reconnect features that ruined this game completly so when the fresh start will happen we will probably going to go with Season 6 Episode 3 which is by far the best version along with Season 3 Episode 1.
  6. john35

    john35 Member

    Jul 9, 2015
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    Okay, let me know when it's happening, Gix. Would like to be part of it!
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