... what do you guys prefer .. A. to save jewels and buy a +13 set ?? B. to make one for yourself ?? .. coz as for me, i'm just saving and hopefully can save enough to buy me a set. I'm kinda scared doing some +10 to +13 upgrades with Goblin. But they say, the feeling is damn nice when you make your own legitimate set. .. what about you guys ??
for me, i'd rather make my own +13 set... gives u that large grin on ur face when u succeeded on making ur own +13 items... i made all my items from Chaos Goblin...so far, i broke only about 4-5 items on Goblin...
me too.. i prefer making my items to +13 in makes me cool and damn exhausted after making them to +13 we have techniques in making it to +13.. just PM or ask palos if u want to get some idea.. btw, i broke a lot of items in upgrading.. -executor boots+ref+dsr -2 executor gloves+ref -executor helm+ref - executor armor+ref -BB+edr -BB+inc dmglvl20 -2 Dk armor+dd -DK armor+ref -2 DK helm+crappy options -Dk helm+dd -GD helm+ref -BD pants+crappy options and a lot mre... i cant remember. heheh... make sure to have NUTS and GUTTS in making +13.. hehehehe...
coz ur the one who taught me how to do it.. so it means ur the one who nid s to tell.. im not that kind of person to steal the techniques of others.. hehhehe..
u guyz knew secrets this whole time ........i nevermade an item +13...just +11...=))...so i buy my items+13
duh...id rather buy my sets or items. Don't have the luxury of time to make or hunt the items to upgrade. Doc, just buy em
thats right ... Goblin is dangerous ^^. But I prefer to make one for myself...as you said when u made it+13 the feeling is better than u bought it, because you know that u did it or smth and probably when I'm rich i prefer to buy one. In conclusion save your jewels ^^
I love to make it myself I made my leather set + 13 Its feels like you accomplished something once ur done
made 3 stets at gobling... the sm set +10, the mg set +12 adn the bk set +13 .. plus BB, Rune adn Fire blades, devil shield +13, platina staff +12, legendary shield +12..thats all ...
.. i really applaud players who make their own sets and weapons and wings to +13, i admire their dedication to their characters.
Boi syk knows how to make +13 set...xaxaxaxa=) I only try in this server upgrading items higher and making wings lvl3 for the first time...=D my strategy in upping is "Just pray from above"
for me its better to make them by yourself. the smile on your face will reach the back of your head when you succeed i made: 2 DK set +13 +luck +ref and +luck +dd 2 Sunlight set +13 mix options and +luck +dd 1 Leather Set +13 +luck +dsr 1 DP set +13 +luck +mix options 1 mantle of monarch +13 +luck +ign and many weapons but i lost many items too. but that's part of playing, you gain some and you loose some. try and try until you succeed!!!