The reason Melee fighters cant hit monsters about 90 or above

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Axeofury, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. Axeofury

    Axeofury Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    I dont know if anyone has posted this yet but heres why. As i was lving my rogue with my feral druid friend, he started killing and hitting better than i was. Iasked him how he was doing this and he said he was just attacking it like normal. I looked at his stats and they were worse than mine. When i couldnt hit a Lv 93 at all i stopped playing the server and hopped on another one i play and contiuned lving my warrior. then it finally hit me when i saw my sword lv go from 155 to 160 after i gained a Lv. The weapon skills on this server dont lv with the player. they stay at 375 the whole time :eek: this is a huge problem for ppl like warriors and other characters that use melee weapons. mainly because the weapon skill increases your hit depending on how high it is. normally at Lv 70 the max is 350 and the max goes up 5 points for each lv up. So if a 70 goes up 50 Lvs and gets to 120 the max should be 600. (350+(50x5))=600. If we change it to add up like this the melee characters will be able to lv the way they were ment to and they can hit bosses to :D.
    P.S. (Sorry that its a long post i thought the way i found out would be a nice thing to add :) )