Suggestion to gix :)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by noiwk1991, Oct 14, 2013.

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  1. noiwk1991

    noiwk1991 Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    Good evening everyone, I hope all of you will find
    A moment to read my post and think of what's behind my suggestion
    Even if it's mostly pointed to gix, also feel free to
    Post your opinion about it, it is just a suggestion and my
    Personal opinion :)

    To gix, this suggestion is in no way agrressive
    Or insulting or with any meaning to fight here.
    I will talk as we but the we mean me and some
    Close friends that I know feel the same as me
    And I don't try to speak by the name of all
    The players in the server :)
    This is why I let everyone say their opinion about it.

    After I made all this clear I will now start.
    So gix, I / we get abit feelings that game becomes alittle
    Bit boring with not much to offer or things to discover
    And everything that can be done have already
    Been done. We get bored abit too easily and we wish for new stuff,
    Recently me and many other people find more and
    More interest onto the new season which brings us new skills
    New balance with the full skill tree and new combo for bk
    Many new system and new sets :)
    And stuff, I'm not going to say the new season is perfect
    But it sure has many new interesting things for us
    To discover. The current season bee really dramaful for all
    Of us and really exhausting .
    And many of us want a change and to discover
    New things to do. Also, most of the changes
    In the new sewason are made on the skill
    Tree for all classes with many new skills.
    So I wanted to suggest to make it very hard
    And slow to lvl the skill tree so
    Old players will have small atvantage In
    Duels because they would reach higher in skill tree
    And make people actually choose their build on skill tree
    Instead of maxing everything so easily
    :) well thank you for reading . And I would love to hear your
    Opinion and replay to this . Ty
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    How about you use search next time? I already gave an answer on this.

    The new season is not good enough to migrate to. If you are bored of the current season then go ahead and play the new one.
    We won't wipe or change the season everytime you get bored thats why there are plenty of servers to choose from having old seasons and new seasons.

    Moving to a new seasons takes time first of all, it's not something you're doing in a few minutes. Also it's going to bring bugs and there are some disconnect exploits which I'm sure no one will want to have them on our server. It's just not good enough for the moment and also it depends a lot on the developers and not myself. Just upgrading with some lame server files containing a lot of bugs and errors is something we never did here on DiabloMu.

    We always had one of the cleanest and stable files and we want to maintain this in order to offer everyone a great gameplay experience. Also, the new season is added mostly on high exp servers, but on a low or medium exp like we are, those bugs and issues will be really problematic.

    New players are joining everyday and not everyone likes the new interface and features of the new season. When we will consider worth changing to the new season it we will let you know, till then, as I have said the S6 EP3 is better so be patient.
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