Suggestion Skill Tree bugs.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by noiwk1991, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. noiwk1991

    noiwk1991 Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    good evening everyone. and especially you Gix.
    this post is mainly forward you Gix but ofc i want opinion and involation of the rest of our mu players.
    i mainly want this suggestion about sm skill tree .
    i know we have some problems with skill tree but sm have 1 critial bug on skill tree that effect his damage out put dramaticly.
    especially now after nefing his mana shield. sm does need this damage boost which he deserve.
    the bug is the 2 passive skills on skill tree that are supposed to improve the skill Enhanced Wizardry are not working.
    they suppose to give % wizard damage and % of critical rate. but they are not working on our server and this skill only
    gives the 20% minimum wizard damage it gives before the skill tree.
    this is a huge matter and very big bug. that harm sm alot.
    it is a big problem even if sm is not supposed to be attacker. every class can use damage. in pvp and pve .
    sm damage is far far far too low compared to all other classes .. and this bug makes it even lower.
    sm right now can not even kill am afk bk. and even people that love the class would prefer to make bk or rf instead for the joy of pvp.
    im not asking you to improve sm or change them. not at all. but at least to fix a critical bug such as this one. im sure if there was such a bug with rf damagee/skill or bk it would be fixed right away, its true sm is not a very played class but you shouldnt let him be even more non existed class.
    it gets boring when all the server are only bks or rf as main and all elf/sm are nothing but mules for cs.
    bks right now dont even bother to pvp sms .. or elf .. i find this boring and not right that such a big bug is not being fixed for so long.
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I wonder how did you tested this and how about doing a video or posting some SS because I'm really curious how you test the damage on full stats and on a server with resets.

    By the way, most of the tree skills are useless on a 32000 stats server since they were created for 1x. (not all but most of them)

    Let's be serious on this one. Mana shield has been reduced by 7%, not DMG and nothing else and everyone is happy with that as the MS was just too big. Since you're a SM user it's pretty obvious you liked that your character had an overpowered defence. SM is not a tank killer and it will never be, not here and not on any server. Period. SM users know how to PvP unlike BKs that just hit ctrl+click and thats all.

    Now, instead of suggesting, kindly fill a proper report showing the issue because thats how bugs are getting reported.
  3. noiwk1991

    noiwk1991 Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    when its 10% its actually more usful and serious in 32k server than on low numbers server. because 10%
    out of so much wiz its a huge boost.
    so its true what you say if it would be a set amount like 200 wiz damage. yes it would be very useful on non reset serer but useless on 32k server but 10% is much especially on full stat. that firstly. now secondly. easy. open the stat window. then keep your eyes on the wizardry damage. down beloy then cast the spell. you will see the minimum damage change as it should be wthout the skill tree. but you will see no change in the max damage. :) easy way to test. minimum damage being incrased and max damage remain the same. as for if sm is killer or not. .... ill answer with this killer or not damage is boost in both pvp or pvm at farming . and even if sm is not killer who said he shouldnt pvp? o_O but that damage will still be a help for him. and still still a bug. :) so still should be working ^^
    and who said you have to test it on full start sm? get to lvl 400 bring elf buff your self finish quest. and you are done :) easy to test this way ^^
    as admin i expected you to think of that way for testing :) dont let us down gix dont let us down :D
  4. noiwk1991

    noiwk1991 Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    lmao.. wha makes you think im an sm ? o_O im actually a BK ^^ Kyuzo . i play BK lol. im just being objective and saying bugs are bugs and should be fixed for good or bad. as for mana shield. agreed this skill was too strong. but it kinda made up for the sm lack of damage. you reduced the defence of sm which was needed indeed but didnt bother to fix its damage issue which is also needed especially now to balance him with the changes of mana shield :) im not an sm but im sure every sm users would agree to this. i mean if there are any sm users left as main class and not as ms mule for cs :) i know you work hard for server but i ask you to be more objective and even if there are not too many sms to yell about it. to make more effort to fix it :) ^^
  5. noiwk1991

    noiwk1991 Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    and btw as for bk. made me laugh if you think bk is only holding control this would be rf .. as bk you better have a gpd practice on combo ^^
  6. noiwk1991

    noiwk1991 Member

    Jul 17, 2013
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    to Gix, with this last msg on this post i want to appolgy to you for my behevior and for being too agressive.
    i've also been told by my good friends that i might have been too agressive.
    with this. i give my honest appolgy and ask you to close this post.
    maybe even remove :) i still stand for some of my words that those two skills should be fixed.
    but i am sorry for the way i said it. i ask to close this post out of respect to my friends opinion :)
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