Socket Item Drop

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Enderx, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Enderx

    Enderx Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    Well as i've see so far, they're pretty hard to get and impossible to buy because there's like 1~2 Guys farming it on the whole server, and this is because 2 reason:

    1.- They just drop in raklion, so hunting there is pretty hard when you dont have a good gear +3rd wings.
    2.- The drop is really rare, you get socket but no luck, and when you get +luck, 1 of 30 have 1~4 socket, so to get a item +l+4socket wich is the best one will take you days and it's a random item, so if you're looking for an especific set you will take month's or years to get it together, because there's no market of those items.

    So i suggest, why not making the socket items drop on all maps as it should, the server is not full of geared people so we can't hunt on that map alot. and i dont see why not, when having the socket set complete is not the whole thing, because when you make seeds that's a whole new pain to get the one's you're looking for.

    Please everyone comment, and give your opinion, because i can't talk for everyone. and with more replys on this thread if you're up to this. Gix will apply this asap :clapping:
  2. ajemna21

    ajemna21 Supporter

    Jul 5, 2013
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    Wrong to make it to no drop socket items (w/o) socket in all maps just in LaCleon(corect name of map) and when will drop a item who should have socket to have minimum 1 socket this is default also 380 stick for SUM in GMO drop in Vulcanus Lava and Pink mobs also other 380 items from all clas like venom glovs DK gloves etc.

    And is most imposibile to get a 380 wep from kundum i killed about 10 and it drop one Soleil Scepter and trash Ancient yes like Gix say's we no have ppl like gmo but thee are 15(6 x 2 x 7=84 KD in one weekand make k7 pvp map for more fun to fight on kd :p )servers where u can kill KD and this is a diference u take server 1-6 for exmaple and farm KD evry 12 h in 1 week u get alot 380 wep here u need months to get 1 :p .

    P.S. this is just what i think not a cry is just my point of view (^i^).
  3. Java

    Java Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    I have to disagree with both...they are thebest items on the server so they should be hard to get...if they were increased either of the ways you guys are suggesting the effect it would have on the market wouldn't change because within a short time everyone who wants a set...would have it...

    leave it like it is, is my opinion
  4. b1ch

    b1ch Member

    Aug 18, 2013
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    i wanted say abaut pvp on events, I think need make in all event pvp, with out pvp not fun, onli ks and that all, but if will be pvp will be more fun and so on! Like NM,Kund,LC,CW,Swamp!
  5. Enderx

    Enderx Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    With hard you mean being a week hunting the whole day to get a single random piece +4s+l?, i was a whole day with a rf+seal+vip and on the whole day not a single item +socket+luck, so i really can't believe what you mean with hard. because that's not hard, that's insane.
    so far i just have see 3 Guys with socket set complete on the whole server, and i dont even know if all of it have 4s+l. and have to add those 3 Guys are, LopeH, Raid3n, Soulx0x, and they have years playing here.
    so to get a socket set we must farm years? when rf's get full Storm Jahad+dd+l in weeks. let it like that then, without socket set's rf's always going to be rulling the svr.
  6. Java

    Java Member

    Mar 23, 2013
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    RF even with full storm jahad+15+dd+lk+harmony dd...still isn't that hard to beat if you have a well built character (and i mean any if you think RF are overpowered then there is something wrong because just like back in the beginning of mu when there weren't so many classes...and BK's ruled...they were still able to be killed by other classes...

    If +4s+lk items were dropping 3-4 times a day it would take you maybe a week to get a set...another couple weeks to get to +15...and then all will be complaining that sockets dropped too much and that characters are overpowering now and something should be done to fix it...

    As i can see right now...people are making new char to level up and hunt/duel with and not just making RF as soon as they can...RF may seem overpowered right now but with a correctly built char you can beat them
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    @b1ch, making all events pvp will just turn everything into chaos and people will start using a lot of bad language.

    I see your suggestion here Enderx, but Java is right. Those are the best items on the server and should be harder to get. Raklion and Selupan are the default sources for socketed items.

    Your thinking here is from the point of view as a new player that wants to get those items faster than everyone else did. You want the best sets on the server in just 2 months and this is quite unfair. Also, the socket items drop has been already increased some time ago.

    Thats exactly what I was thinking of as well.

    You what what's funny? Enderx complained RF is too weak a few days ago. Probably he started a new char now and the RF are killing him.

    Well, there are a lot of people that think PvPing is just ctrl + kill and nothing more and this will never change. As Java said, a decent build and a pvp strategy and RF won't be an issue at all. RF has been suffered a lot of changes and it's not overpowered like it was on GMO when it was introduced.

    1. Well that is because socketed items are the best and webzen decided to make them drop on a high lvl map such as Raklion which is normal.
    2. You are not playing alone. Why not trading items to get what you want? Someone might look for your item and you may look for the one he has. An item +L+4 socket every few days should be a normal thing for a 10x non-rr server right? Imagine 1-2 items per day and having such a good set in just 2 or 3 weeks.

    As I said, you're pretty new here comparing to other players and you want to take it on the short way.

    Give it a bit of time and you will have everything you need.
  8. Enderx

    Enderx Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    Please dont twist my word's i complained about AGI RF having bad dmg, and i said on the PM i sent u about ARF, that Vit RF is op, PvP with rf is Ctrl+Click i think everyone can agree with this, Dude even SM's wich should be the rf nightmare can't handle them, my vit rf lvl 390 with +7 acc set +7 wings, can win on duel a SM lvl 540 + anubis+9 + barnake + AA Staf+15+xdmg + 3rd+9 because i make 300-400 every chain drive hit, 350x6 = 2.1k total dmg with my crapy gear, and him with that gear have to wear demon+critical wiz ring to kill me if i heal...

    and yes im glad rf is not op like it was on GMO, but to get the proper gear to kill it will take years... i mean ok, leave the drop at raklion, but increase the rate's they're too low, i can't be on the pc the whole day to hunt, cuz i can't put on the bot pick items+socket+l.

    and please, i dont trying to make this items be easy to get, i like them being hard, but i mean increase the rate a little bit, i already said i was a whole day hunting it with a rf +seal+vip and noone item +socket+l

    i've to add i see the people wich comment, i never saw them hunt those items on all the time i'm here.
  9. Gavileitor

    Gavileitor Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Its good for me the drop right now. U cant get full maxed set in few weeks turn things a little borde.
  10. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Enderx but you can use the autolooter to get the socketed items. No one says to stay on computer 24/7
    Currently, the socketed drop rate is 7/10 and before it was increased, it was 3/10. Ever since it was incresed, no one said it's too low or too high.

    Well don't know, as you can see so far, the drop is fine for those who replied here. We will just wait for more comments, but let's make them fair ones and not just go to guild and say @post on forum that we want higher socketed items drop. This won't be fair at all. Also, as a new player you have to decide: max level fast or hunting for items, because you can't have them both at the same time.
  11. parrot

    parrot Member

    May 5, 2012
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    you no need 3rd wing to hunt in laclion1-2
    im bk and i kill enything in laclion1-2 alone with wing lvl2+9 and vic set+9 +demon (im 110 mlvl)
    if you now who to build and hunt you can kill anything.
    but you must wait to take some good master tree option.
    no becuse someone is 10 master lvl means he can kill anything.

    and drop rate is perfect for me.
    If all drops was easy then better admin put it in shop^^
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