Since when PK is not allowed

Discussion in 'Archive' started by ajemna21, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. ajemna21

    ajemna21 Supporter

    Jul 5, 2013
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    I have noticed and got warning from a guy Offspring PK isn't allowed ( abuse ) lol since when ?
    I have serch all forum and webpage news but isn't write nothing regarding this.
  2. Offspring

    Offspring Active Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    Please show any proof of me sayng that pk/ks is not allowed, this is part of the game. I have told you that abusive pk/ks is not allowed, for example: you stalking people who are not in your guild(which is pretty much every1 since all left) on every map and keep ks/pk them. When someone comes to kill you, you switch, wait and log in to ks/pk. You actully told me you have switched on 4 spots and will keep logging to pk. Even if you meant vulcanus then I find something like that still abusive since you dont pvp, you just switch to pk and then log off in the same spot. Something like that is abusive and I am pretty sure I have heard around before that abusive pk/ks is not allowed.

    I personally dont mind pvp, I like it but I find you tryng to pk when someone is afk for a second pretty ridicules since you run/switch when you see someone coming for you.

    And if this situation really is normal and tolerable(Im not talking about vulcan only) then I think that pks should drop items because otherwise pk has no downside. They can teleport using summon dl, can trade potions, basically do everything.

    Edit: I read from your signature that you have quited and you have also said it before multiple times. Do I get this right that you keep switching and stalking to stop others from playng too? I mean, you dont let others play, you just go for people who are on helper and then run when see anyone around your mlvl coming for you.