Running MuOnline on Linux

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gix, Sep 12, 2007.

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  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    MU Online on Linux is easy, this guide is for Ubuntu Edgy 6.10, but you can easily play on any distro.

    Things we are going to install:
    - WINE (To run the .exe's)
    - IEs4Linux (Internet Explorer and TTF for WINE)
    - MU Online (Duh!)

    STEP 1: Installing WINE

    In your internet browser, go to
    WineHQ .deb packages archive
    and download the latest version of wine for Ubuntu. (Other distros can download WINE from here.

    Simply download it and run it, it should install without too many hassles.

    STEP 2: Installing IEs4Linux
    Open up terminal, and type the following commands:
    tar zxvf ies4linux-latest.tar.gz
    cd ies4linux-*
    This will install it, should work for any distro :). Do all the default options.

    STEP 3: Installing MU Online
    Download the client for MU Online from

    When the download is complete, load up terminal and change directory to where you downloaded and simply type in:
    wine <programfilename>
    For example:
    wine muinstall.exe
    Do all the default options, easiest way is to install to C:\mu (any folder/drive you want)

    STEP 4: Patching
    Download the patch for the server, especially the launcher. Extract over the client.

    STEP 5: Playing
    In terminal, type in (one line at a time):
    cd ~
    cd .wine/drive_c/mu
    wine launcher.exe (diablomu.exe in our server case)
    Then the launcher should load, click connect. You can now play MU! Great job!

    If you have any problems, feel free to PM me.
    sayfar and thefox like this.
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