[REQUEST] Thread with list of not working/not implemented features

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Raspberry, May 27, 2013.

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  1. Raspberry

    Raspberry Member

    May 3, 2013
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    Hey guys,

    I am very happy with the service here and the questions are answered nicely by both players and staff but sometimes I just feel a little guilty asking everyone all these things. Currently I've found a few things quite different to what I've been used to from official servers and have been bothering my guild mates/forum folk with so many questions, would be nice to just have all the info neatly in one place rather than ask here and there or have to sift through the many news announcements. Wouldn't take much effort on a forum admins part and would help a lot :thumbup1:

    Suggestion : Make a topic which lists all the currently not working content in the game, this would help people such as my self (noobs :whistling:) so if we ever have any doubts or whatever we could consult with that thread as first point of contact and can be on our merry way. Just to be clear, this is not to report bugs but rather to list all known ones in one place so we all know about it.

    I'd make the thread my self but it's better if a Forum Admin does it since as a normal user I don't have the rights to edit my posts later to make adjustments. Ideally it would be a sticky topic for ease of access. My apologies if it's already implemented somewhere and I've missed it.


    Known bugs:
    Class Specific - Wizards
    * Wizard class cannot access Nova - devs are working on damage bug fix (as at xx/xx/201x)
    Class Specific - MG
    * Gigantic Storm range is only 3, not the conventional 6 that you may be used to
    * Flamestrike doesn't work properly
    Item Shop
    * Contrary to item shop description, Seal of Healing does not stack with Seal of Ascension nor Seal of Wealth - this is not a bug but conscious decision by the admins as exp is already high
    * 380 socket items rarely drop with sockets (? dunno if it's bug or conscious decision but just put it in the examples, actually would be good to have an answer on that :p)
    * Sometimes you might find 'Heart' item, don't bother picking it up as it is currently not related to any events.
    * After a server restart, Land of Trials opens up to everyone until the winning allies master logs on and restricts it again. If you are found abusing this bug you will be _________ by moderators

    Currently not yet enabled events/content :
    * Medusa _____________
    DARKSEID likes this.
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    If you ever have any doubts you won't read that thread anyway since you also didn't used SEARCH which would gave you the right answer in matter of seconds.
    Very few people are actually using the search function on a forum. It's way more easier to open a thread, ignoring the other threads. (general talking, not just you)

    OFF-TOPIC: Those are called socketed items, not 380 socketed items and obviously their drop including sockets is pretty rare since you can find up to +5 socketed items out of monsters. They're like exec which may drop up to 3 options from mobs.
    If you want to find them faster then go to raklion event (max 4 socketed opts, thoguh)
    380 items are: dragon knight, bone blade, etc
  3. Hopium

    Hopium Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    change the title raspberry to List of broken features and lets keep this going
    - ag opt on wings2
    - speed opt on wings 2
    - sm ml tree skill for enhance wiz buff bugs the mu helper
    - summoners books display incorrect stat requirement(typical)
    - weapon skill dmg is bugged and does physical hits instead
    - rf darkside skill hits off screen, is being abused. tego is famous for this.
  4. Raspberry

    Raspberry Member

    May 3, 2013
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    Thanks I realize the search option is there but for example out of good will of joining any new server, a player has no reason to suspect everything they do is bugged so will not search every action prior to doing it - if you catch my drift? For example, trying to stack Seals - no reason to believe it would be bugged (or disabled) so I didn't search it before doing it.. once the action is done it of course cannot be reversed and I would not bother asking for compensation but still would prefer to have read about that in advance. It never crossed my mind to search beforehand (as with most actions in the game) because there was nothing that seemed suspicious, illegal or obviously done in a way to suggest otherwise. There are and always will be other things in same scenario such as what Hopium named with SM ML Wiz Enhance bugging the MuHelper - if there is a thread with everything neatly put in one place and arranged by class, players can refer to it to be informed.

    Anyway, I believe I've made my case clear enough and if it's not seen as viable well fair enough. Just my suggestion to any of the forum moderators who wouldn't mind putting in the tiniest amount of work initially + little every now and then to keep it up to date for the sake of fellow newbies.

    RE : Socket items - Thanks for the reply, it was not a complaint or anything just something I noticed which is vastly different from official servers where you are always guaranteed at least one empty socket. You can imagine my surprise when I finished Nightmare event and got a socket item +s+L+no sockets there too lol

    Thanks for contributing your knowledge to the list. I would edit my post and add but it won't let me - I believe only Forum Mods have the rights to do that here after a post has been replied to.

    I dunno who that 'tego' is but please don't name players on this topic. It's not for reporting anything or namecalling/showing server in bad way, the point is more to help inform users of what bugs may be present so they are not caught out.
    DARKSEID likes this.
  5. Digimortal

    Digimortal Active Member

    May 17, 2012
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    -PVP is rly broken here because of the pushing skills (lightning , chain lightning , weapon skills , chain drive ...). What I mean is that this skills must push u sometimes (there is a chance depending on your resistances (ring,pend,ML)) at 1-2 range away. Here they are pushing way too much like 5-6range. Perfect example for that is summoner with chain lightning - pushing and pulling away like insane all the mobs on your screen. Chain lightning jumps from mob to mob at 12 range or even more O.O. Ok it has a chance to jump but on lesser distance like 1-3range. When u are fighting with 1 mob and u attack with chain lightning the mob must recieve 3x dmg ( from the 3 jumps ). Here if u are fighting 1 mob the mob recieve only 1 dmg. (Can make a video if needed)
    -Book of lagle skill . Here when u cast it all the mobs around recieve 1x dmg till next cast. If it worked correctly all the mobs should have recieved 3 or 4x dmg till next cast. Not to mention that it must not poison them. (Can make a video if needed)
    -Dark Side skill not consuming mana. (Can make a video if needed)
    -EXP bar not working on ML .
    -Lots of other visual bugs. Example: Actually the mini RF cape has +Luck option but its not showing. Make a new RF equip the mini cape only and u start doing critical dmg (Blue dmg).
    -Lightning Shock (Summoner) must not poison the monsers also.
    -Master Skill Tree seems completely wrong here. Like Gix said S6 and x700 skill trees are different but the only different thing are the new skills in x700. I checked the skill trees on other S6E3 servers that I've played + Damage calculator + GMO forums and it seems that here we recieve only 30% from Master Skill Tree bonuses.Example :Increase PVP defense success rate at 10pts - BlizzMU=1188.18 - Other S6E3 serv=3405.79 - DMG Calculator and GMO=3405.79. I wont do it with all the skills but I'm 70ML here and couldn check all of them , but by now nothing is correct. Having this in mind players complain about Seluphan and Kundun being too strong (even if they are default like Gix said). Thats because they lack 70% from the Master Skill Tree power-ups.
  6. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    The problem is that you just bumped an old thread instead of creating your own. This whole report section is a mess because you can't organize yourself.

    This report thread it's old and most of the things were fixed and some of them were not even bugs like the pink items which are not socketed.

    I'll close this one and leave it opened for search. Next time please don't bump old threads and better contact me to edit them or make just a single new one, not 2-3 threads that are already discussed and make sure not to report the same thing in different threads like you already did with raklion. A forum has to be organized, not a total mess. Before doing that, I will answer you though:

    - This is the push that you will find in the official server as well, big or not, thats how it works on official as well.
    - already confirmed in other threads and already been explained that is server side so don't expect for a fast fix from devs since it's not critical
    - confirmed and does not affect the game that DS doesn't uses mana
    - press A, this is because we are not using GMO main.exe and it's patched for muguard and vcorp
    - visual bugs are part of the game. They always existed in private servers and can be lived with since none of them is a big deal
    - lightning shock poisoning monster it's another non criticall and not important bug which still comes from server side
    - some of ML skills are indeed having issues but don't say it's completly wrong because it's NOT. I would give you example of another servers to actually see what non-working skill tree means but I'll advertise.
    - Having this in mind players complain about Seluphan and Kundun being too strong -- this report comes after almost a year on this database. I wonder how everyone else managed to kill and never complained about? Atleast from kundun there were never reports. Anyway this can be easily solved but not into a report section but a suggestion one which ofc was not created. We took care of it and nerfed both bosses.
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