Request ban/banip pk [JarOo]

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Overlord, May 13, 2012.

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  1. Overlord

    Overlord Member

    May 13, 2012
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  2. JimmyCool

    JimmyCool Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    This is the risk of staying afk on a PvP-map.

    Also since he's killing only you/ur guildmates it means that u did something to him.
  3. JarOo

    JarOo Member

    May 6, 2012
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    Hahahha i killed you one time and you are requesting for ban? Dont cry and stay afk in pvp maps. Sure make all maps non-pvp so there wont be nothing to do ^^ And dont lie im doing it everyday because it was my first time, and not last... If you want stay afk go to tarkan or arena..

    And a last thing, im not Zander's elf. I must thank you, you improve my mood from the morning ;)
  4. Overlord

    Overlord Member

    May 13, 2012
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    i did something to him, i got his spot after a srv rr. If u go on pk killers JarOo has 80+ pks so "it wasn't your last time"
    So no actions from admins? It's curious, when zander was bitchin about zzzz cause he pk him and his guild m8s because "he was in the top", u imediatly made all maps untill tarkan non-pvp.
    When somebody else has a compaint against this chump u shut his mouth.
    Dar mai terminati cu favoritismele astea. Nu e prima oara si deja m-am saturat. Nu e prima oara cand imi face pk si sincer mi-a facut pk pe toti oamenii din guild pe toate hartile pvp si nu numai o data ci reveneam pe spot si iar venea cu pk peste 1 ora-2. Si acum ce sa fac sa stau arena sau tarkan sa fac lvl? Vorbiti prostii. Cand v-am zis sa faceti arena mai mare ati spus ca lvl nu se face in arena, se face in kantru; cand ma duc in kantru si nu sunt lasat sa fac lvl, ma trimiteti in arena. Mai dao drq de treaba va contraziceti singuri. De ce credeti ca imi face pk? "Ca sunt in top si chiar cel mai bun rf de pe srv". Sa vedem daca va place motivu meu copiat.
  5. AppleX

    AppleX Member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    Gix likes this.
  6. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Thats because tarkan was a low level map and there were about 60+ players massive killed there got it? Not just only one

    And he was even warned 1 day before for the same thing. So killing 60 players vs killing 1 player in a gens pvp map....c'mon get serious. Why you started playing MU? Go to a single player game so no one will ever pk you

    If you think we favorize someone because of that it's your own problem. It just sounds pathetic to me to favorize someguy because he pk-ed you so better think before making such posts. Go play a non pvp server or simply lvlup in arena while afking all night if you don't wanna get PK-ed. In case you don't know this is a mixed server and high lvl maps are pvp ok?

    No one told you arena is not for lvling and you never asked for a bigger arena so watch your mouth. So the only one contradicting here is yourself. Now stop crying and learn what a pvp map means.

    + warn for your language and for using non-english here.
  7. JarOo

    JarOo Member

    May 6, 2012
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    Write in english i dont understand you.. So i have 80 pk counts so people who have more should be banned too? Dont pretent holy you are not better. Your guildmates flying and killing us too so dont cry and thanks to your friends. Its's mu, its pvp server no one wants to see all day afking people.

    About zzzz and tarkan it was other situation. He was killing new members, new members cant exp on kanturu core..

    And one more thing to prove you're a hypocrite... You are telling you took my spot but i dont exp on kanturu core so... so you are just liying :D

    And watch out for your words, i dont wish that you can call me chump or whatever more..
  8. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    He just explained his frustration telling that we favorize you and Zander, but that's something that any kid does when he doesn't like the decision. Such players will always exist

    So a tip for you: if you are afk overnight stay in arena or higher maps but hidden spots. When you're online you can lvlup in kantru and anywhere you want

    Or why not going kalima?

    And last, but not least ... stop crying because you got killed. You make our nation look bad with such attitude like yours

    @AppleX, video is fine but don't add those extra words :) + this is a report thread not off-topic
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