PvP Suggestion

Discussion in 'Archive' started by DrZeit, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. DrZeit

    DrZeit Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I think that PVP system is very bad, not balanced...
    -Duel goes too long because:
    1. Characters have to low damage.
    2. Large Healing Potion is too strong.

    -The best character is Rage Fighter because he have extreme damage.
    -The weakest character is Grand Master because he have low damage.

    All characters should have smililar damage but certainly high!

    When I fight with full set Battle Knight or another character I can't kill him because my damage is very low and Large Healing Potion renew too many HP. - every character have the same problem.

    PVP should be changed on better... Pleas make changes.

    Regards! Docent (Dark Lord)
    Miszaa, sagan and ancient like this.
  2. ancient

    ancient Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    I agree... never ending duels are a real problem on this serwer. To strong potions and to low dmg... specially bk who cant kill even kundun od sky event with 2x bb + 15 fo hitting him by 840 dmg with imp and wizard ring....
    PvP bk vs bk with fo sets is a real hard labor... do we areally need to put off wings or something to finish duel in 1 hour..?
    sagan likes this.
  3. sagan

    sagan Member

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I agree, Those potions available in shop are realy too strong. Duels takes ages without any kill.
    Pvp need changes.
    Ezekiel and ancient like this.
  4. Plomien

    Plomien Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    agree. BK is too weak because nobody plays this class, and should be an adequate balance. RF is too much damage because without good eq degrades all other optional class on the shoulder. is also a porblem with potions because they are too strong and PVP can take up to 10 minutes, I know this from my experience.
    ancient likes this.
  5. Miszaa

    Miszaa Member

    Dec 7, 2013
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    agree without unnecessary speech
    ancient likes this.
  6. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    According to this thread posts and by talking with other players ingame, the problem camed from the SD & AG potions that were added inside the shop. The PvP itself is good and it is using a default setting that Adi also uses in DiabloMu and works as intended. We wanted to better analyze this situation and we came to the conclusion toghether with the players that the solution would be for us to remove the AG and SD potions from shops. You can still buy SD from CashShop, by voting but no large amounts.

    Remember that inside the duel arena, the damage is reduced by half in MU and this is normal. The characters, all of them, have a normal damage but the problem was that everyone was using SD and AG a lot. You can select Q+W+E and press them all at once so this means 3xSD or 3xAG per second which obviously, will make duels last a lot.

    The changes have been already applied, SD & AG potions have been removed while Large HP potions are now stacked as 25.

    - Regards
  7. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    i know i have been out of the loop for pretty long time ago (again...) but could you also reduce damage and range of ragefighters darkside skill?

    i ask this because they are far too OP for any class to face due to insane range of darkside, personally ive dueled a lot of rfs before here (just few weeks ago too) and the results were.. ehh not positive

    my opponent at the time had decent phoenix soul set and i faced him first with my bk wearing FO GD with full ddi, 2 rings+rec3%+dd+ref, pend +rec3%+edr+id2%+id20/lvl .... and in total i managed to kill him once(1-10), then i went to my own rf wearing decent opt(2opts) piercing set and killed him 0-10 and all of it is thanks to how OP darkside really is, hence why it should be weakened and if possible the range needs to be limited as currently it reaches even further than the screensize(as in not even being able to see the rf when youre already dead, 2 hits and full fo bk=instantly killed)
  8. ancient

    ancient Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    In my opinion Rf's dmg is correct. Indeed bk is dying very fast but when rf fights vs fo sm, dl or elf he dies in a few seconds so he needs to have a great dmg because of very low defence. Depends only who hits first.
  9. ancient

    ancient Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    The only thing I can agree with KraMer is that rf's darkside has to large dmg range.
  10. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    ancient seriously? wouldnt this issue be resolved easily by these 3 actions?

    1.lowering RF darkside damage
    2.limiting it's range to what it should be (3 i believe?)
    3.adding some def to rf

    this way any char wont be instakilled by darkside and rf wont be instakilled by other ranged classes.

    really rf is only "real" problem in the current config, other classes are fairly well balanced. (altho elf dmg buff is imo bit overpowered too.. but that can be dealt with)
  11. ancient

    ancient Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    You didn't mentioned about increasing RF's def before, If they would do that your three points sounds understandable.
  12. Ahura

    Ahura Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Because mu it was made for a non-reset, maximum level 400 stats/points, is hard and/or even impossible sometimes to configure everything globalmu-like. But even if we have some periods of time that seems nobody care about the server, trust me there is, and we try to make small/fine improvements and not to change things that are really important without proper testing.

    Also EternalMu is among the best private servers out there, but is not 100% bugless or perfect, none is, there is no such a thing "bugless" or "perfect" !
    Either purchased server files or free of charge, everyone is using only a simulator of original game, therefore bugs and small glitches remain to be fixed.

    Maybe we all should try to vote more, recommend EternalMu to our friends and colleagues, or maybe donate if you really want to support us directly.
    Another way to help us is by report in forums cheaters, bugs and your suggestions regarding features and/or changes you want us to implement.
  13. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    sharkoon your post didnt address the topic being discussed in any way, voting and supporting cant fix the issues of pvping and it has nothing to do with being bugless or "one of the best out there"

    this is simply something that needs to be reconfigured.
  14. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Administrator

    Feb 18, 2005
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    The RF is already nerfed from the original formula. By the way, don't get me wrong but you come and go ever since the server started and the post that Cristi wrote it's totally ontopic. Cristi has told you that MU was created as a non-reset game and you can't deny that. Just because he added the support and voting part it's unfair to say that his post is useless. Each character has it's advantages and disadvantages and on 32.000 stats you can't expect them to act the same way as they are acting at 400+200 ML.

    Rage Fighter has been build as the strongest damage character and lowest defence, so on a 32.000 stats he will mostly die from a hit if you don't have a good 380 set and use SD/AG or fight into a duel arena. So far there are no complains over RF neither here or DiabloMu (both uses the same formula), unless you want to start a polemic discussion over this.
  15. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    Yeah i know i come and go, thats just how i am when theres no active community to stick to, but anyway i still cant see how supporting the server has anything to do with this thread's topic(but lets just forget about it)

    And yeah we all or atleast I know full well that mu was created as non reset server, but thats not an argument to insist that rf is good to go as i already pointed out that full fo bk gets flat out dominated in a duel while another rf with worse set (but more experience as player) can come and beat the rf that already beat the bk effortlessly

    I mean cmon, you should be as well aware of just how insane the range darkside skill has, if bk cant even get close enought to see the rf on duel arena when the rf has already beaten the bk then something is definedly wrong.

    Not to mention the fact that even in gmo rf was waayyy OP when it was first released and that goes for most private servers too, hence I just tried to provide a way to make the characters more balanced in terms of pvp
  16. Ahura

    Ahura Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Yes Kramer let`s not supporting the server but spit venom in comments everywhere and cry like little childs when owner doesn`t give us what we ask.
    Sorry dude, i know this is harsh but all you do is complaining.

    Who i am doesn`t really matter, what i am the same, nor my age or the fact i have 2 small kids and a crappy hard real life (...) but let me tell you something my dear Kramer, i apply for this gm position because i wanted to help growing this community by literally spam more than 50 sites with eternalmu advertisement, making videos with in-game playing and features, conected with 8 accounts and the software recording (do you think this is easy? ), voting and staying online, leveling hundreds of noobs, hunting goldens only to give the excellent items for free to newbies... And NO i did not receive anything in return, not from owner like fo items or something, or from players, most of them make it to full stats and became just a bunch of jerks pk and ks me when i was growing other noobs. But it`s cool i never wanted anything, just to help IceHeart because is a really nice man.

    So please show me a minimum respect, not for my rank in EternalMu staff, but for what i`ve tried to do for this community so far, or maybe as a fellow mu player who lost his days and nights lvling since 2005, so maybe i`m not the noob you think i am.

    Have a nice day.
  17. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    sharkoon im not viewing you as a noob or disrespect your efforts in any way, just like you I'm a veteran player and know a lot about the game, respect other players and staff, BUT that doesnt have a flipping thing to do with this topic.

    Im just suggesting way to improve pvp balance and you started going overboard about not supporting the server.

    and dont get me wrong, ofcourse i support the server (or atlest did when i had time to play...), but for real what does supporting have to do with this thread? its just plain derailing from the original topic.
  18. sagan

    sagan Member

    Nov 27, 2013
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    KraMer did u cheked pvp after removing OP potions from shop ? RF isnt so vital now :) And if u attack him from correct side u have big chance to kill him. I agree with u that Darkside skill got too big attack range. The range can be nerfed by max 1 (-1) cuz if u reduce it more RF become a usless for pvp. Any changes in def arent necessary. Dont forget that RF isnt close combat char and he isnt a tank like bk:) hes power is keeping enemy in range :) and 1 thing more, RF is only one char in this season that dosnt have socketed items.

    I forget to add that bk,sm dmg should be increased about 25% and elf dmg about 12-15% to make pvp better balanced. And DL need some more dmg cuz i never died in duel with fo DL on any char :p even after pot changes. Oh and i noticed that DL skill Chaotic makes Multishot unable to cast..... thats annoying.
  19. ancient

    ancient Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    For real I dont understand why dmg here is cut with 50%, I didnt see it on any serwer, I think pvp here should be different than on diablo, so this "cut" wasnt good move. I suggest bring back 50% dmg and normal complex potions to npc. I guess people expect something new then diablo pvp settings :) maybe this move will bring life to this serwer.... who knows.
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