player Deathman aka Natural

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Brook, Nov 7, 2013.

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  1. Brook

    Brook Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    i did not know that if you are friends with Gix you can do what ever you want in the game, and i have no ideea that Gix speaks like this about the players on this server.
    i had a totally diferent opinion about this server and Gix till now i`ve seen a proffesional server and team and if this is true this is the last you will see of me here.








  2. subsemnatu

    subsemnatu Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    0 erau de ajuns guildele favorizate de admini( sa nu ceri probe ca toata lumea spune asta)
    joc de 2 luni si am 6 conturi online non stop-5 vipuri cumparate
    este inutil sa pierd timp si bani intr-un joc fara fairplay.
    Multumesc si astept cu nerabdare raspuns la postul lui Brooklyn.
  3. subsemnatu

    subsemnatu Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    ps: stau peste 10 ore la joc pe zi !!!

  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    The thing is that a player opinion counts more for you than a staff member one as I can see.

    You're right, till now you saw a professional server and team but I've also done mistakes and one of them was not to ban you permanently for being a corrupted ex-GM, remember? This is why you are still here and playing and if you think I've forgot your stupidity back then you're wrong. So don't you ever dare to say that I am speaking like this about you (not players, because he said I was reffering to you) just because some dumb player tells you that. Since I was always fair with everyone and not giving advantage even to my real life friends that are playing here how the hell should I give an advantage to a guy that is virtually speaking and that I never met?

    Since Deathman called me in those SS, here I am and he gets a 1 day ban. If you still didn't got the idea, no one will have a special treatment from my side no matter he is a virtual friend, a real friend or my own brother. I've started this gaming community just because of simillar situations and I'm not going to break my word, no matter what and if you still don't get this then keep it for yourself.

    As for you brooklyn if I'm going to see those words again from you, I'll be the one who will make you leave. You can't make such stupid accusations just because someone told you I said this and that. Got it? When I'll want to say something to you, I will come personally ingame and tell it straight. It's a game and there is no damn reason to hide any of my thoughts.

    Cauta-ti alt server atunci. Nu toata lumea are o gandire puerila ca a ta sa faca asa ceva. Daca un admin are jucator ingame nu inseamna ca toti au mintea bolnava cum a avut-o prietenul tau si sa triseze favorizand alti admini. Ce e drept, pe vremea aia era acces la editor, acum nu mai exista asa ceva la admini. Daca vrei admini care sa nu joace absolut deloc pe server atunci te invit sa ii angajezi chiar tu pentru ca oamenii astia au ajuns admini jucandu-se pe acest server altfel nu vad cum ar fi aflat de el.

    Si dovezile sunt absolut necesare dar bineinteles ca nu sunt pentru ca va place sa vorbiti numai tampenii. Chiar is curios cum ar favoriza un admin guildele avand in vedere ca au comenzi decat la move, global chat, disconnect si ban si acestea fiind verificate periodic. Nu exista acces la editoare, iteme, conturi, etc si orice pas din jocul asta este monitorizat in loguri, iar cele de GM sunt separate si analizate pe indelete.

    Daca tot vrei sa vorbesti de favoritism, discuta cu prietenul tau brooklyn si intreaba-l ce a facut el de a fost dat afara din staff. E amuzant ca hotul striga hotii. Nu am sa va mai inghit prostiile atat timp cat stiu cat de corect am fost cu toti inclusiv cu cei care au gresit optiuni la itemele din webshop pe care nu i-am ajutat ca sa fie corectitudine intre toti si sa respectam regulamentul la sange. Nu am investit timp, bani si nervi ca sa vad invidia asta care pe unii va roade peste masura si sa veniti cu pretentii si cu tot felul de idei bagate in cap de unul si de altul care nu are altceva de facut decat sa vorbeasca tampenii.

    Inca un post ca asta si o sa am grija sa zbori ca tot iti place sa te bagi in seama si sa incalci regulile forumului. (romana in sectiune de engleza + double post fara edit+acuzatii fara dovezi)
    PRESENTER, Bres and Lion like this.
  5. Brook

    Brook Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    i didn`t accuse you as you can see in my post :
    " i had a totally diferent opinion about this server and Gix till now i`ve seen a proffesional server and team and if this is true this is the last you will see of me here "

    as you can see i was making a statement.

    i don`t wanna start a discution about what you said, about something that happend 3-4 years ago, your only 50% right but i doesn`t matter. i just started to play again few months ago and i don`t care that much about the game i only play here for fun in free time and i also bring some of my friends to play here because like i said before i know this is a prof svr . but don`t worry i see that you consider it was a mistake not to ban me so im not gonna stay where im not welcome.

    good luck with the game and have fun :)
  6. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    That is called an indirect accusation, welcome to english 1on1. The same goes for romanian, it's still an indirect accusation.

    Yea, that was my mistake and I haven't banned you because I had my own reasons and this is why you are still able to play here. As you know, I rarely give second chances and in your case it was my own decision.

    If you're going to continue or not it's your own decision but next time you'll value a player opinion more than mine and you'll make indirect accusations and flame just because some guy talked crap, I will keep my word. Playing the victim now is a lame thing looking back to your "corrupted" past and accusing me of something that a player told you ingame. If you were mature enough you would have seen your own mistake from the very first post but seems that not everyone gets wiser by time.

    The "mature" scenario should have been the one in which you should have come to me and ask me if it's true or not but you should have knew the answer yourself already since we were in the same team and I doubt I ever gave you the idea that I'll ever give advantage to any player that ever played on this server.
  7. Brook

    Brook Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    yes maybe i did not express very well. maybe i should have put the problem in a different mode .

    and about your acusation corrupted-ex gm i think its a little to hard of an acusation. yes i made some mistakes but i did alot of good things for this server as GM. and on my normal chars i donated for sets, weapons, wings etc as you know for sure, items to help me in game to pk others of course and to help support the server. (if i did not trust in the prof of the server and team i didn`t waste money)
    but i doesn`t matter it was alot of time ago, so i don`t think we should continue this discution. ill think about choosing to continue here or no.

    and i have this things to show. they are not made by me, Vendetta ask me to post them


  8. Brook

    Brook Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    yes maybe i did not express very well. maybe i should have put the problem in a different mode .

    and about your acusation corrupted-ex gm i think its a little to hard of an acusation. yes i made some mistakes but i did alot of good things for this server as GM. and on my normal chars i donated for sets, weapons, wings etc as you know for sure, items to help me in game to pk others of course and to help support the server. (if i did not trust in the prof of the server and team i didn`t waste money)
    but i doesn`t matter it was alot of time ago, so i don`t think we should continue this discution. ill think about choosing to continue here or no.

    and i have this things to show. they are not made by me, Vendetta ask me to post them


  9. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    "Maybe" you should do that next time and make sure you'll add just the pics without indirect accusations and let us take a decision and add further comments instead of blindly listening to some players words and not ours. There will always be haters and people bragging about being "close friend" with admins and I cannot see a reason why you should listen to them over ourselves.

    If Vendeta is that lazy to create a forum account then don't post for him as it's against the rules.
    In those SS, CS = Counter - Strike 1.6, a FPS shooter game, not castle siege. As I can see he made a joke that I would ban that guy in counter-strike which well ... has no sense right? Then he said he would do it as he's an admin on that counter-strike 1.6 server but he added the " : ) ) " after that comment which obviously stands for a joke? Quite funny that Vendeta also shared his joke and laughed back and now he reports that as something that broke the rule. Well d'oh.. now that's a two faced player.

    You should already know that donating and doing good things equals to null once you become corrupted right? Remember that I've been obsessed and I'm still obsessed of reminding people to always be fair with everyone and make sure they won't go to the dark side. The only reason why you weren't banned back then was because you were an really old player and because we wiped few weeks later.

    This is whats called being fair, making sure that everyone is equal no matter he did good things or donated and this is something that will always be available in this community, no matter if others will think wrong as there will always be such people since it's part of this gaming industry. You can't please everyone neither in real life and be sure you can't please them all in a virtual one.

    // TC,
    Lion and Bres like this.
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