So bugs reported so far and fixed Elf tripple shop skill damage is wrong FIXED Red Wizard CC minions will not dissapear after event ends FIXED Halloween Scrolls stack hp if adding more than one buff per character FIXED
Rage Figter Skill Bugs Hi i have a big problem. I'm Rage Fighter. My Darkside skill don't aoe damage. Only hit 1 mob. And my other skills very low hit. Darkside skill 700-800 dmg and other skill 300-400 dmg. Please fix fast. I can't farm level.
even tho Red Wizards minions are gone, the wizard himself is still there. however wasn't he supposed to drop jewel of soul or something? i've killed like 20 so far and his drops are the same as any regular mob (zen/norma items) its not a bug, but still needs to be fixed: login/password window doesn't pop up. seems like the server is full again we could use a new sub or something o.0
the petals you used to remove halloween items should be removed too, like i earlier told you they can be abused too (did 5k dmg with an ene mg using es....) also mu guard has a bit tight setup, it detects going to sertain sites as hacks (eg. proxy sites, tried to go to a site i got banned from using a proxy and muguard detected it as a hack)
I didn't quite get that. You mean the red wizard spawns right back after you kill him? Also remember that online 1 of the 3 red wizards give soul. So either lorencia, devias or noria red wizard. This is not an official event like white wizard, it's a custom one and that's how it is coded. We added 3 locations like ww so we'll make it more interesting and people try their luck to find the right red wizard that drops jewel of soul And the login/pass window, just wait few seconds if it's not working, i've added a connect server restarter @KraMer u can;t use proxy with opened muguard, try sock petals removed. Halloween scrools will be allowed to be stacked only on halloween event as it's normal
Red Wizzard keeps all to himself Helou community, i dont know if it's the right place to post as im not sure if it supose to be like this or not. Red Wizzard = cursed king ? I know his minions have a higher medal drop rate, if you are lucky enough you get like 1 or 2... But where is the Red wizzard hiding ? Cause this guy...he drops nothing, we've killed him more than 20times and nothing...just zen. check it out , maybe its not the red wizzard ytou are speaking of : And afterwards ( 2-3min)he always retreat. Regards.
+warn Closed, and check the sticky threads. Use only that thread for reporting bugs I was expecting more from you since you've reported two important things This is not a bug. Only 1 Red Wizard of the 3 that appear ( lorencia, noria, devias ) gives soul So when someone kills the red wizard, the event ends
first of all, "other skills" are melee skills so if u have more points on ene u will deal more dmg with darkside, and if u have more points in str/vit u will deal more dmg with the other skills (roar, chain, dragon). second - Indeed big problem with the darkside skill. It's not aoe and its very hard to kill on spots. third - big mistake with the lvl1 wings in shop and loch's feather low drop rate
admin fix skill summoner Ber please admin fix char summoner is buff Ber dont good dame Summoner reset 1 buff Ber is skill mob 500 Ragefighter no reset dont buff skill mob for 1200k i hope you will fix skill summoner thank admin
Just wait for some time nbkemil and it will work. I am already aware of that and its an easy fix that will be active on the next server reboot. No sense to restart server just for that for now. After the restart will be made, the chat will work instantly as normal
just wondering if typing "update" is filtered on purpose? because when i do type update it turns into <vote for diablomu>
Zen Bug : if you use vault to store your zen and you die , the zen from your vault also gets lost , i had 25 mil in vault and i left afk in arena with full pt buffer etc , after 2 hours i checked party was gone and i died a lot of times , checked my vault instead of 25 mil i had 600 thousand . fix it
I joined Gens Duprian, but then I decided that I wanted to join Gens Vanert instead, so I left Duprian. Now when I try to join any of the two gens, it just tells me "You left the gens. Your contribution has been reset to 0." So I can't join gens anymore :dntknw:
Is not a bug(as i know), after you run out of Zen from inventory, when u die(killed by a player or by a mob) it take zen from vault. Try in 1-2 days, u cant change the gens whenever u want. You will have to wait 1-2 days untill u can join again into a gens.
Also related to the word filter... very annoying things: The word "dupa" which is romanian and means "after" is VERY common in many phrases "Dupa ce mananc facem party" (After I eat we'll form a party), "Sper sa gasesc dupamasa spot" (I hope to find a spot in the afternoon), etc, etc. Apostrophe used in A LOT of english phrases causes filter ( Impossible to type any phrase like: "It's ok", "We'll go to...", "Aren't you the guy that...." etc. ) Please fix these!
Vulcanus - Killing Vanert/Duprina with no CTRL makes you Phono Vulcanus - Killing Vanert/Duprina with no CTRL makes you Phono Isn't it supposed to not give PK status when killing vanert/duprian? Or getting phono is called PVP? I didnt even hold CTRL while attacking them.