Mass Deleting

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Lothus, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. Lothus

    Lothus Member

    Nov 23, 2009
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    After the fusion whit sky, we the players from sky ware abused. U guys took all of aure points and give us back around 30k points to use. U dident give a shiet of aure time spent on the sky srv to gain thouse rr`s and points. I just wanna let u know that we are not going to play here anymore coz of that. We are deleting aure acconts and move to another srv.

    PS: It hazent been fun to play here
  2. craciunitz

    craciunitz Member

    Nov 23, 2009
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    e gg :)) bravo , asa te vreau
  3. Aaape

    Aaape Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    How about using common sense ?

    You're simply being naive.
    DiabloMU's top players, the ones who play nearly 24/7, have got maximum of 30 resets, in case you haven't noticed. You guys were seriously expecting to have exact same amount of resets as you had in SkyZone ? That would have been completely unfair to Diablo players, therefore SephiroTH reduced your amount of resets to the level of which you would have had here in DMU server.

    But if you see leaving as best option, well adios then. Can't force anyone to stick around here.

    PS: "Crappy" 30k extra stats still beats 0 rr and no items, doesn't it... ?
    HaoS, pukairina, Gix and 3 others like this.
  4. catakills

    catakills Member

    Mar 23, 2008
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    Well...that is actually childish to havent been here more than 2 days...i dont think you are entitled to make such a statement...although we made valiant efforts to help the transition be as fair as possible, you still show your lack of appreciation by making useless afirmations about our team`s work...

    I would like to correct you on what u said... We actually gave a "shit"...that is why you still have items, stats and working chars...

    Although the work is not finished you rush to leave a server that has a well established reputation...

    I have only one request...on your way out, please stop making accusatory statements regarding Diablo Gaming Community and Network! We are hard working people that really do give a damn about what happens to our players, players investments and players time spent in our network during their time spent here!

    Kind Regards,
    JoeDirt, DiabloMu Assistant (foreva :D )
    HaoS, pukairina, GitaaS and 2 others like this.
  5. GitaaS

    GitaaS DiabloMu Assistant Admin™

    Dec 18, 2008
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    What he said x2
    Who leaves shows alot of cowardness!

    Kind Regards,
    GitaaS, DiabloMu Head GM (foreva :D)
    HaoS, pukairina and Gix like this.
  6. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Lothus ... a lame player indeed. Go to another server then and play with your toys since you care only about you. Yea ... so unfair that you had more resets comparing to players of DiabloMu and in a shorter time then you wanted to keep them all to be totally overpowered lol. Kiddo ... you won't reset with 5rr+ per day here like you did on skyzone is that clear ? If all items and still plenty of resets are not enough from you then seems you are not thinking at all.

    This post is useless ... don't expect us to return back those rr and make the game totally imbalanced. If you decided so then go ahead and farewell. Find yourself a server with someone who is stupid enough not to care about fair and balance of the game.

    Still ... I can't believe there are such ppl complayining for some rr since they got everything and i mean everything regarding their items and stuffs ....and besides that 15-20+ resets which is a more than decent number here on DiabloMu :))) You rather preffered wipe of your acc,resets and items as we decided at the first time if the fusion wouldn't work....and it couldn happend so if I were not here to work hours and hours for those players who have your attitude.

    Anyway thank you those who understood the situation and are playing here, you have my respect and i wish you the best.

    With that said ...grow up and act mature a bit, but first of all .... use some damn BRAINS !

    PS: These ppl here who are part of DGNTeam just worked their asses for some scumbags like you yesterday sitting in front of PC for hours and offering continous support. Atleast don't loose our time with fixing or etc ...those who really worth this are those who are still here and understand the situtation and what means FAIR and BALANCE

    I was just irritate by your words not by the fact of leaving ... just to know that. No one is forced to stay here ... but at the end everyone returns here.

    Have fun on the home hosting server you'll find :)

    PS2: Oh btw ... sorry to dissapoint you but there are a lot skyzonemu players left and guess what even those who were not playing some days ago due to your host problems are now back since they heard about the fusion and that we have a stable server and long term :p
    eXistenZ, HaoS, sayfar and 6 others like this.
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