For twose who wish to use the forum marketplace section, the following rules apply: Thread Prefixes: When creating a new thread always select a thread prefix! WTB = Want To Buy , WTS = Want to sell , WTT = Want To Trade Bump Limitation: You (or your friends) are not allowed to bump your thread within six (6) hours of the last post/bump, use the EDIT POST feature instead. Thread limitation: If you have multiple items to trade then create one thread for all of them. If you complete one trade thread then you can open another just don't overdo it. Keep it clean: Don't spam trade threads with random things or conversation (unless it is for the purpose of a bump, which still has to be within six hours.). They are trade threads, not discussion threads nor hot spam threads. Please refrain from making offers in a thread, but rather PM the thread starter. Note: All users have a (No Limit) time of editing own posts inside the marketplace forums so you may edit and update your buy/ sell lists anytime you want and simply bump them when needed.