Main crashes! LOL!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Avalon, Apr 6, 2012.

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  1. Avalon

    Avalon Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Hey there!

    Just logged in to check what's up in here! Funny thing; 2 players that I could find in the entire server, (and I checked as much as possible)
    But an even funnier thing is that the main crashes after 15 min... Seems like none of the problems that we encountered several months ago are fixed! Now get a move on seph! The MUGUARD SUCKS! It slows everything down and makes it crash! The crashes never occured before you added the guard... I bet thats one of the reasons you don't have any players here! They can't play because of the crashes!

    Anyway, that was my 10 cents. If you want me to tell more you have to give me 10 cents more xD
  2. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    there are about 30-40 online so it seems its working fine for them. yea, the crashes are random for some of them but no reason to do that since we are already planning an update.

    Also if you wanna play w/o muguard, you are on the wrong server. MuGuard keeps away a lot of cheaters, like it or not and most server use it.

    Also the 15min is exagerated. There were reports of hour or few hours but again for some ppl only and mostly due to an opened process that affects MU (injectors, etc) as i've tested myself and had no crashes in 7 hours on 3 different os vista, xp and 7

    Anyway atm we're more busy with the update which is handled in our free time since we got a personal life and personal problems as well. Once it's done ppl should get more interest. Even now though, new players are coming and some of them already joined the community

    PS: in case you didn't knew, there is no such thing as bugless. It's funny how ppl don't comment anything about those servers with constant crashes and multiple downtimes or awful bugs and stuff like that. The server as i'm aware has no critical bugs at all like other low exp servers had multiple exploits and so on.
    Probably the only problem was that dupe exploit which was fixed and all those items were manually searched and deleted. Since we acted fast, there was no harm done to the server's economy
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