Lucky Items

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gix, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Note: Lucky Item Tickets are also available for FREE so this is not a paid feature only. You may find them in:
    • Golden Treasure: Double Goer Event -- > Lucky Items LvL. 1
    • Sunday Boss 1 & 2: Imperial Guardian Event -- > Lucky Items LvL. 1 & 2
    • 30 Lucky Coins Exchange-- > Lucky Items LvL. 1 & 2

    Purchase Luck item ticket and click on the "Use" button


    Go to Elbeland and find out David


    Talk to David and click on the "Exchange" button


    Put Lucky Item Ticket and click on the combination button



    Click on the "Refine Lucky Item" button


    Put any items in order to create Jewel of Extension


    Click the on combination button


    Obtain Jewel of Extension at certain rate


    This process can be failed at a certain rate
    Jewel of Extension is used for increasing durability of Lucky items
    Put Jewel of Extension of the items you want to fix
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