
Discussion in 'Archive' started by cpl, Dec 7, 2011.

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  1. cpl

    cpl Supporter

    Oct 15, 2008
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    since when some1 get ban for swearing at pm?I play for five years here on the server and no one get ban for something like thath.with admins like this server go down:(
  2. justonegod

    justonegod Member

    Jan 18, 2009
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    And i don`t have the wright to an oppinion ?

    Nikita, why you cloess the treath where you banned me ? i really can't say nothing ? I can show you a screen to show you why i use that language. Him stolen a bok +5 from me. i can't say THNX for this! But in here it seems that someplayers can do anything.Ok, i admit that was not nice from me to use that type of language but :
    1) was first time when i get wrong
    2) i don-t have the wright to opinion
    3) i-m new on server and my friends told me that i can use that type of language but only on PM!
    4) You can't punish a bad language and don't punish a STEAL! ...
    I don`t know how to post screen but if you want PM me with a Y!messenger id and i-ll show you the screen when him steal from me!

    PS. SephirotH da-ti si tu cu parerea te rog? E frumos sa dai ban pentru ca l-am injurat p-ala, din prima, fara avertisment... Dar lui nu-i dai ban pentru ca a furat ceva? El m-a omorat cand am dat in golden ca sa imi fure bok`ul. O fii frumos asa?
    cpl likes this.
  3. justonegod

    justonegod Member

    Jan 18, 2009
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    Why Topic Closed ?

    Why nikita closed the topic untill i can say something ? ... Anyway i`ll stop playin on this server when some admins listen all what saxo says! Srry for this server.
    cpl likes this.
  4. justonegod

    justonegod Member

    Jan 18, 2009
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    That's it...

    i see that the admins are too busy to answer me .. or maybe i`m not important. Thank you!
  5. NightWizz

    NightWizz Member

    Dec 7, 2011
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    TheDon you are as important as any other DiabloMu player, And we proud ourselves as being impartial GM's.

    I'll remind you that there is no rule that stops Mirson from killing you and take the bok (I'm not saying it's the right thing also) but there is a rule that SAY's NO Bad Language.

    btw your friends should visit the forum more often so they would know that ppls started abusing the PM so the rules changed a little
  6. cpl

    cpl Supporter

    Oct 15, 2008
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    not specified anywhere in the rules as if u swear some1 on pm get ban.....and if in 5 years no1 get baned for something like thes i think u should be specified. and why LiviuSm who wear on post its not punished???
  7. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Lol. So instead of reading the server rules yourself you rather listen to others.

    And you tell me it's not fair to get banned because of that language?

    Si noi ar trebui sa ghicim in stele dupa mintea ta corect? La ce s-a creat sectiunea de report

    You must be playing some other server then. Since when we should accept jerks around here? With players like him the server will loose valuable players.

    cpl, where planet did you camed from? A 5 years old player and you don't know shit about server rules? I suppose you read the server rules only once and that was five years ago. Someone who sweares other ppl family just because that guy took a bok from him on a PVP server it's total pathetic.

    Have liviusm was reported of swearing on post and wasn't banned? Or you expect us to report that for you?


    Don't be pathetic now and show some respect for each and every player around instead of start cursing their family. If you accept someone to swear you like that it's your own damn problem

    You're too dramatic for a 1 day ban so get a life and next time how about you won't use a bad language?

    I'm sick and tired of kids who are just swearing others and their entire family behind some stupid reasons such as : they were killed on a PVP server (read PVP word 10 times till you realize what it means)

    and mahoarca1 if you can't stand competition why the hell you joined pvp server? ks and pvp is allowed on pvp so read the damn server rules before making some false and stupid statements.

    If this is your attitude: swear some players mother because you are too dumb to read server rules then go ahead and search for another, we don't need such players around

    + warn for both of you btw. Stupid thread name and if you want to defend your little friend learn what respect is and act mature

    @also liviusm was already suspended for that so as we talked on ts3 cpl, you missunderstood that. We got a ban list in case my post couldn't be seen due forum db error since of my post wasn't saved inside that thread
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