Last warning for guys like james, goddess, etc

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gix, Nov 20, 2011.

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  1. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    First of all, james read my PM.

    Secondly this is my last warning i am giving to all 2 or 3 of you. It's obvious why foreign ppl always hate romanians and their attitude ... you guys are the real deal right here; the perfect example.

    For james here mostly, the game means just too much and seems you do not realize this isn't real life.

    Ok ... now let's look back on your old threads.
    Remember suggestion specific autoloot for over 10 times?
    Remember telling to increase rates, drop, exp to 15-25x ?
    Remember everything else?

    Ok then how come now you created a wipe thread, flaming ingame and telling the other ppl rates are too high when 3x was good? Hiting lvl 400 is good right ?

    I don't quite get it if you got a real mental probal or not, but you're like two different persons everyday and i hate such ppl having two identities being real jerks. I mean ... now the server is the best, later on sucks and so on .. you don't have a real opinion at all and if you's totally unstable.

    Since i saw you moved to another server but you are still playing here i wonder why? And i wonder why you keep being pathetic and flame here?

    You were acusing kramer and kratos for Demona's ban. Funny guy ... demona was banned for a server advertising because he was crying due to summoner skill tree which is not available on s4. Blame webzen for that and take your own life if it means everything to you. We are not doing like other servers to update to new seasons and get tons of bugs. If you want examples pm me and i'll prove it

    Why have i mentioned goddess here or godofwar ( can't remember exactly the name i saw ) ? Just because they are doing the same thing speaking about another server.

    I hate when such ppl are from my kind meaning from my country because everytime i see such behaviour it makes me realize why we are so hated among the communities and it makes me sick because of ppl like you this is possible.

    Anyway I'm quite done with that so if i'm gonna see again one more discussion about another server or some stupid comments about old rates, exp which for over 1-2 months you debated this subject and everything was "pink" after the change but once you hit 400 you wanted back old exp and wipe, i will permanently ban you. So either go ahead and stick with your other server till it goes offline or do whatever you want but i mean it with everything i've said above and remember there won't be any other chance at all so think well because you're not doing this too much at all before writing something.

    As i have said to james, most owners would banned him already but i'm just different. Still it seems i don't have to be like that with such ppl, they'll always betray my trust.

    There is a suggestion section and according to our time and possibilities we did and we'll be still doing continously changes so use that instead being real jerks and speak some bullshits on the server. Any attempt of making ppl leave it's a pathetic action and we won't need such players.
    Kratos likes this.
  2. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Sephiroth , can i speak?

    It's a forum so people can talk , and of course i will have different opinions based on what is currently going on , if on the 3 xp i had a opinion of course on 7 xp i will have another one , you don't find it normal ?

    I never asked anyone to leave the server , and i didn't leave it because it will be here for the next 2 years-3-4-5 whatever, i am taking a short brake due to exams ( its a module structure college) and i am playing another server for fun , it's not easy to do master levels in swamp or kanturu 3 , did you test it ever ? and i mention i am a GM not BM .

    And i am not from Romania my friend , I am a citizen of Austrlia , but does it matter ? It's ok if you consider me Romanian , internet identity doesn't matter.

    So i am not allowed to speak on server about anything , it was communism and ended in 1989 sephiroth , i will respect the rules on the SERVER which are posted in that section , and unless you want to add new rules to it , i did nothing wrong . You are free to add SS kramer ,i knew very well what i was saying , since you were there kramer and was expecting you to send SS , and good thing you see my problems now Sephiroth.

    current problems:
    People use elite autolooter and have got many ancient sets ( i mean many hyons walking in the server) here is a thread , hyon just drops everyday?
    380 option on blades doesnt work (+200 dmg)
    dsr on gloves doesnt work
    You cant afk in swamp of calmness to do master lvls or kanturu3
    chaos machine = +13 all the time

    There should be a wipe and cs should be closed for 5 months . It's a opinion , if you disagree you can say it nicely.

    Ty , and it was great to be a part of this community , i'm sure i'll get banned for saying my opinions so learn from this people .

    Yours truly , PureSoul.
  3. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    Unlike you james I'm not trying to pick a fight every time i can, so i didnt even take screenies of what you said.

    server without players is boring so i'd rather keep everyone who's already playing here, including you.

    @sephi james has some points about bugs, so could you check them?

    aniother point james has is drop rate being too high, just admit it was a bad move to raise it and return it to the way it was, since this is(ior atleast is supposed to be) longterm server chaos machine will take care of the rest, sure there might be bit much gear on the market for the next half years, but eventually the market will fix itself when cm eats half of the gear.

    and about players using elite....any estimation when the new antihack is done?
  4. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Well at least we unite , how about allowing elite and lowering drops for jewels:whistling: so we can get horse spirits or seed speheres while afk , or maybe some ancient items. Just saying , if you allowed elite i'm shutting up 4 good .

    That's my main problem. And rates should stay the way they used to , and moss should go now since people all have GVS +11 or BB +X .
  5. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    allowing elite would drag down worth of zen, so im against allowing it.

    what goes about moss merchant... check my improving suggestions topic here
  6. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Is zen the main reason ppl shouldn't use elite O.O . Then bring zen back to 1000 , i don't care about zen loool ! If elite would be allowed , i'm a cry ( and of course mob don't hit so hard , and horn of hell maine drops <- Godess can't find it :/).
  7. KraMer

    KraMer Anor Nó Mille Fortis Supporter

    Oct 2, 2008
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    if you bring zen back to 1000 the worth of zen raises and players are even more likely to use elite to loot it.

    so imo... disable all specific looters and let people use spacebar looter like now
  8. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Le ha-ha , OK no specific looting should be allowed , how do you make a Anubis set +13? A hyon set +13 ? Enis set +13 ? You know a hyon set / anubis set raises your pvm attack insane , that is the main reason it should be allowed . In rest i agree with regular looting system , i don't care in swamp of calmness to loot whatever , but those ancients , some of us have builds made for ancient sets +13 . How , will they EVER get a good +13 set ancient ?
    Understand what i mean? All the new hyon sets are obviously gotten by looting selectively . I don't condemn a player lol , but they all risk to have ban Oo , you feel me ?
    Oh and btw , check the rates for ancient items, i have never seen enis helm or vicious helm or aruan helm or whatever , sure kratos is killing k7 for ancients , but not all of us add our main build AGI .
  9. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    sephi has said over and specific looters and also that this server is long just take your time and you'll eventually get that +13 set that you want...there is no reason for a specific looter to be allowed...and the agi build? you can make one also in order to hunt like i do
  10. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Oh you see my little greedy friend , sephiroth also said no looters will be allowed on the server , it even says so in the Side bar from the game , so get your facts right , HE NEVER MENTIONED SPECIFIC LOOTERS , he was always saying normal looting is good , sure with potions stacked properly u can loot jewels , but how about ancients ? How do u make a + 13 ancient set ? Sure you have socketed but its much easier to make a enis set and you hades gloves and shield isnt it ? Yes it is .
    Now regarding your agi build , this is what makes me laugh - Agi build - Someone once asked me " How do i build a energy elf ?" And if recall you have at least 10 charaters on this server with good lvls 250 + , sad it took you such a long time to actually find out that agi=defense .

    Sepiroth banned me in forum 1000+ times for opening threads about looting , and now looter is allowed, allow elite specific looter - drop jewels drop zen lower everything , but allow us to get ancients . Ancient isnt better than socketed set , but should be easier to make +13 because it drops in lot which is easier than Raklion , once a guild with cs finishes making sets , then it starts selling to other ppl on the server , then you got a economy etc . So think about it, the reason i left is because my brother - jasoncicio - GodofWar (lvl 380 ) , can't stand the hostility I always get when opening a thread , being in game , always hunted down , and people are specific looting, so arabella start banning .
    Make him come back sephiroth , change stuff around here , a stupid bot is the problem that picks up hearts of love and jewels , just lower them = what's the problem. Costs you less to allow it than to upgrade gameguard.
    Think about it
  11. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    allowing specific looter is stupid...even if all drops are lowered...people can afk non-stop and just get the items they want without fail...ruining economy because they loot only jwls, boxes, ancients, etc. so keep the upgrade of the gameguard sephi and ignore jame's opinions on why the specific looter should be allowed
  12. Arabella

    Arabella Member

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Security update will be done shortly, once we have everything
  13. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Of course ignore the players opinions , this is 100 % kratos decision .
  14. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    no i'm saying ignore you because all you have done with your suggestions is cause is the point of this thread...

    you make suggestions to raise exp, drop etc, allow specific looter blah blah blah...and then you say it is too just live with the rates etc and have fun here instead of causing trouble whenever you open your mouth!

    (Done flaming this thread)
  15. Avalon

    Avalon Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    First off, I love that the jwl rate is higher, just because the funniest thing with mu is upping items and use them to fight with :p The adrenalin when you put a item into the CM, I just love it! With a lower drop you have less chances to try that.

    The new xp is also fine, it attracts a wider spectre of people and that is something we need.

    What I did not like is that the cm rates are changed, it is too easy now ^^

    About Demona: Do you remember when Terra used to play Summoner and asked you if a uppgrade to S4 was in your plans before he reached 400? You answered that that would be a long time in the future, but you would ofc uppgrade so that the skill three would be enabled for summoner before he became 400. What happened? Well, Demona, who was playing a DW back then, started a summoner and got to 400, and still no uppgrade. Seriously, ofcourse he is pissed off. And talking about a server aint advertising. If I were posting "go to xxxx server" like 5 times a day on post chat it would be advertising, but I am sure he did not do that!

    When you come to the buggs with a S4 uppgrade. Sorry for my language, but how the hell can it be more bugged than this?
    -Greater fortitude doesn't work properly,
    -same with soul barrier.
    -DSR does not decrease the dmg of mobs just decreases the hits
    -New ancients does not work,
    -and some of them does not drop,
    -dsr on some items does not work
    -Sometimes WW does not appear, just his orcs,
    -and sometimes the bless does not drop.
    -Red dragons lasts for like 1 sec (can't be found)
    -Just drops mono spheres, none of the higher ones.
    -Erohim drops Dragon soul helm+0+0 (Even global got better drops than that).
    -No warp function to CW (Why the hell not, everyone else got it)
    -several of the 380 items does not work
    -monster config is messed up on several mobs

    And probably a few more that I can't think of right now. So how hard can it be to find a less bugged version? I bet you can even find one on the free market!
  16. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    And what do you think the outcome of this will be tom? i noticed administration doesn't care about the problems , sure sephiroth doesn't have the time , but get a team that wants to make business with the server , i also suggest these things ages ago and nothing happened.
  17. Kratos

    Kratos Member

    Jul 28, 2009
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    the only thing i can comment on the bugs is dsr does work...but since the mobs seem to be bugged you need high dsr to rate them...cause i go kanturu 3 and without shield i get hit 400...with = 100 or so...
  18. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Avalon it's pretty obvious you don't know what the word " bug" mean.

    The only known bugs from your list are: dsr thing, sphere visual bug, new ancients which are already fixed in the coming updates. Except that everything works fine!

    Warp options are not some bugs. If everyone has warp to crywolf then what? You saw GMO having crywolf warp? Why do we have valleyof loren and warp gate through crywolf ? Think before posting, it's not that hard

    Erohim has a random drop so while you got a +0+0 others got +11 stuffs. The bless from ww thing is exactly like a golden mob and a bok having a visual graphic lag or either a client lag which exists in mu since 0.97d so if you wanna blame someone go to webzen and tell them to re-design their entire game. This is an opengl low graphic game, remember that.

    It was normal that demona was pissed off because we did not upgraded? Dude no one told demona that we'll upgrade the server just for his summoner, get real. It was S4 from the very begining so it was his choice. Go talk to webzen for that and don't defend jerks that advertised another server and flamed just because they are some imature kids. So no ... this was not a good reason to be pissed off or he better not play online games if that makes him so nervous. Also next time be sure before posting because that's the exact thing he did. Got it ?

    And james, i suggest you make your own damn server to allow autoloot and build it exactly how you want it. You never suggested these things but instead you suggested a lot of crap and then you wanted back as it was at the first time so get real ...
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