keys bug

Discussion in 'Help Desk' started by jamescicio, May 29, 2016.

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  1. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    So , when i'm playing the game , and i try and push the letter C to see my character stats , i can't push it multiple times(to open the champ window and close it) unless i left click , i cant do the same for the V key = inventory , i can't even use Q for potion without left clicking while i am attacking a golden mob and trying to use potions unless i left click for no reason , it makes it hard to do anything with left clicking.

    Let me know if you understand what i'm trying to stay .

    PS: As a idea, you cant open things and close them without left clicking ( this is acceptable ) but when it comes to using potions it's some weird problem. some people say it has something to do with gameguard


    When trying to kill a mob , u take down it's hp and then the bar gets stuck o_O and u hit it for 15 minutes ,,,,

    i took 1200 potions with me to the balgass room , and i got 10 mobs hitting me with 300 dmg each and im stuck trying to kill 1 mob ... weird.
  2. Jume

    Jume Member

    Feb 17, 2016
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    The bug with keys is annoying yeah, you can press enter twice while moving and it will disappear for some time, some people press escape twice also and it disappears :D
    I dont think it will be fixed too soon so try to get used to it :p
    About mobs, it is working correct i think, the point is that the mobs have more hp than this one bar, its just up to glitch like with dmg or your hp where number cant go over 65k (on reset servers) and after it goes over 65k its going again from 0 but you have it still that 65k + this what you have shown already, for example if your dmg is 80k it will show 15k when you hit because it got over 65k but for real you hit 80k. Hp of those mobs its for example 10k while one bar holds just 1k. Hope you understood cuz its kind of chaotic explantation :D
    Vigant, Gix and ishenard like this.
  3. jamescicio

    jamescicio Supporter

    Mar 5, 2011
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    yeah , i'd appreciate if you let a admin answer , thanks for your solution but i don't think it's effective on the long run regarding the pushing enter, there is a problem it is being explained and i'm sure the administration will do their best to fix issues , regarding mobs , i believe it is a bug because u can spend a very very very long time killing a mob .
  4. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Check your keyboard settings > repeat rate and move it either to slow rate and fast rate and see if it's being improved
    The keys glitch comes from the game client itself as you can find same discussion in the webzen's forums and it's present in both S8 and S9 (more in s8 and less in s9 though), it doesn't happen all the time either just periodically when maybe using more clients or when mu window deselects itself and noticed it doesn't happen to everyone either. Certain game client glitches will be fixed when the next season episode is done being developed and we get the updates from developers so we need to wait it, other than that I'll ask them if there is a work around to this as we are also using a custom dll that includes several tweaks which fixes most of the s8/s9 game client glitches but not all of them.

    For the second, you've played old seasons so you already know about the 65535 visual bug in mu and it also applies to the hp bar that was introduced in new seasons on top of monsters head.
    Dark elf has 1.500.000 hp, if you want to see the other monsters hp/defence/etc just google their name. Just hit them and they'll die as they should when their life reaches 0, you saw it yourself while completing the first part of the quest.

    PS: Respawn time of dark elf after being killed is 30 minutes here (default and on most servers is 3 hours but we reduced the time)
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