Issue with DW/SM spells

Discussion in 'Archive' started by KilluaYoukai, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. KilluaYoukai

    KilluaYoukai Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    Hi eveyone. AFAIK there's a system in this server, which will make the characters auto-learn spells after some time.

    My issue is with the DW/SM spells. The auto-learn system is kinda slow to do his job. I had to buy the Shop Scrolls for every spell after Flame. But now, I'm at over 850 Energy and I haven't learned some spells. (which aren't available at the shops, or are in hidden shops that I don't know of)


    For some, god knows reason, the system is trying to teach me the MG spell? (at least the name looks like the MG spell)

    Anyways, I would be really thankful if the following SpellBooks get added into the NPC shops. (Energy numbers might not be 100% accurate)

    # Blast / CometFall (436 Energy)
    # Inferno (578 Energy)
    # Ice Storm (849 Energy)
    # Decay (953 Energy)
    # Nova (1052 Energy) - currently disabled anyways

    I can understand that I haven't got Ice Storm yet, the Energy I've and the number required are quite close. But when it comes to CometFall and Inferno, I think I should have them by now.

    So here's the deal, if this is a bug with just me ... then is it possible to add the scrolls on NPC shops so I can get them? If I'm not bugged then what I need to do, so the auto-learn system works properly?

    Thanks in advance. (sorry for my english, it's not my native language)
  2. Hopium

    Hopium Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    not all the sm spells are autolearned, the ones you mentioned can be found in vulcanus from mobs or higher lvl maps. blast drops in tarkan i believe.
    Gix likes this.
  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Have you checked both lorencia and devias wizard shops? All important and new spells are added to the NPC.
    Weird thing on the Gigantic Storm as i never heard someone that learned that being a SM.
  4. KilluaYoukai

    KilluaYoukai Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    Balancing issues on the current auto-learn system

    CometFall and Inferno are DW spells, not SM spells. And I haven't learned any SM spell by the auto-learn system, the ones I have, were bought on the shops and I right-clicked the spellbook to learn.

    In order of Energy required. (Blue for DW scrolls and Red for Soul Master scrolls)

    Lorencia - Pasi the Mage (X: 118, Y: 113) :

    # Fire Ball (300 zeny)
    # Power Wave (1.100 zeny)
    # Lighting (3.000 zeny)
    # Teleport (5.000 zeny)
    # Meteorite (11.000 zeny)
    # Sudden Ice (14.000 zeny)
    # Poison (17.000 zeny)
    # Flame (21.000 zeny)
    # Twister (25.000 zeny)
    # Hell Fire (60.000 zeny)
    # Soul Barrier (135.000 zeny)
    # Teleport Ally (245.000 zeny)

    Devias - Wizard Izabel (X: 225, Y: 41)

    # Teleport (5.000 zeny)
    # Evil Spirit (35.000 zeny)
    # Soul Barrier (135.000 zeny)
    # Teleport Ally (245.000 zeny)
    # Wizardry Enhance (425.000 zeny)

    Things to take a look at:

    1- Why some of the spellbooks are available in both shops? Change it, place the weak ones only in Lorencia and the strong ones only in Devias. (by order of required Energy)

    2- Some DW spellbooks are totally missing (unless there is other shops with DW/SM spells which I don't know of):

    # Aqua Beam (345 Energy)
    # CometFall (436 Energy)
    # Inferno (578 Energy)

    (they are DW spells, not SM ones, so it doesn't make any sense that they aren't available)

    3- What's the server official position on the matter?

    3.1- If SM spells aren't supposed to be auto-learned, then other classes of the same "grade" should fall under the same rule. There's some Muse Elf only and Blade Knight only orbs available on shops, they should be totally removed (from the auto-learn system as well). Ofc this would mean removing Teleport Ally and Wizard Enhance from the shops/auto-learn system as well.

    3.2- If SM spells are supposed to be auto-learned, then make sure every single class of the same "grade" have those spells/orbs available in both shops and auto-learn system.

    Supposing 3.2 is true, the list of SM spellbooks currently missing:

    # Ice Storm (849 Energy)
    # Decay (953 Energy)
    # Nova (1052 Energy) Exception as it's currently bugged

    Back in 2011, in this same server I bought each one of the SM spells from other players, and I had no issue with that, because I was able to sell orbs for other classes as well.

    I paid about: (if my memory still works)

    # 1 Bless for Inferno
    # 2 Blesses for Soul Barrier
    # 3 Souls for Ice Storm
    # 3 Souls for Decay
    # 5 Souls + 2(?) Blesses for Nova
    # 5 Souls + 5 Blesses for Wizardry Enhance

    That's why I don't understand the shops selling Wizardry Enhance and Gigantic Storm, while Ice Storm, Decay and Nova, aren't there. (I know Nova is bugged, but you got the point right?)

    TL DR version: The auto-learn system have some flaws (as you can see on the picture posted in this thread). I'm asking for a more reliable and balanced solution. I had no issue buying the scrolls from players in 2011, but every class had to do the same. This time, I haven't seen anyone buying spells, and the server got 3 times(?) bigger.

    Please, don't ignore this.
  5. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    You see teleport ally twice because a spellbook was needed in devias so it won't make all those items look bad organized. That spell book was used to fill up some 2 cells space, that's why. We like to have our shops organized even when we're talking about easthetics and design.

    Next, well you are the only guy that complained about not having all spells inside the shop which I find a bit strange. Is that hard to look for those scrolls or you don't know where to look for? People were trading those in 2011 because the db was fresh at that time and could get jewels from lazy players that didn't wanted to spend their time searching for spells.

    You see spells like Wizardry Enhance and Gigantic Storm because even if their drop is enabled, you will rarely get one of those and I mean really rare.

    A reliable solution would be for you to start loosing a few minutes of your time and look for those spell books if you want to learn them faster instead of asking us to add all spells inside the shop. Most important spells are added since pretty much everyone uses hellfire and evil spirits at the begining. I suppose you can easily hunt after icestorm and decay afterwards right?
  6. KilluaYoukai

    KilluaYoukai Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    For a 100% new account with a DW as the 1st and Main character, it's not about being lazy, it's about getting demolished by mobs. I don't use Dual-Accs, so I don't have an EE at all the times.

    So the server position on the matter is that, lazy players should stop being lazy and farm the spells. I'm fine with that, just remove all BK, ME and BS spells as well, SM is a "2nd class", just like BK, ME and BS are.

    If a spell/skill requires the level 150 quest then don't give it to anyone. So when I drop a BK orb, I can sell it to them! And they can sell SM spells for me as well.

    It's about one single rule for everyone. Or even better, reset all spells/skills, make everyone hunt everything, it's the low rate server after all.

    (Said the High Wizard who farmed 4k siromas to get a single card for a ragnarok friend, nope, I don't mind grinding)
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