Insults on Global chat etc

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Frost3, Feb 9, 2012.

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  1. Frost3

    Frost3 Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    I have log on today on forum and sow real funny/stupid new threats, so :

    making trash from global

    Pekakan is speaking with Beyonce about knowing Seph and delate post's


    Pakakan start's bad language ( i don't wan a Ban 4 him - just showing, that nobody is saint on this server) - anwser to this stupid thread


    stop using Your GM acc to ban players cos U are friends with person who created a thread or maby the same person.
    Seph should maby delate Your GM acc, becouse U are not objectively and without bias. ( U kow to who am i speaking )


    Stop grumble all the time, it's boring --> noob here noob there noob everywhere.
    4 me noob means the same like: nerd, bream, orphan, bumpkin, loser, idiot --- and I'm not running every time on forum to complain like a stupid child. 4 me U can say whatever U want, it flows over me like a smooth breeze on a spring morning


    are we playing, or are we making SS and shiting on forum with threats ??

    Thank U for Your attention.
    SuperMario, Nikita and Mirson like this.
  2. Nikita

    Nikita Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Good Speach Frost.

    Finally some concret fakts and smart post.

  3. Gix

    Gix Innovate, Don't Imitate Founder

    Jan 1, 2005
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    In case you didn't read my post in the previous thread i invite you to do it again.

    1. I though i said discussions on /post are allowed as long as they don't get too far like in the previous thread did (calling loosers some players, making fun of them on /post etc ) while here those two guys just have a friendly discussion about items. Yea, it should be more english and less native language but thats what GMs are for right? So as far as i know the GMs must notify the players to use english as a top priority on /post and as i can see you're not doing that.

    If you would pay attention to the post, that Pekakan told beyonce to delete my post and the one that reported post right? Beyonce knows me as you do meaning ingame and here on forum so it's quite non-sense and you shouldn't believe anyone telling that it's friend with me or ... " i know the mighty admin and he will ban you", etc. I don't have to prove anything as i've already did during the 6 years online. So everyone is my friend but everyone will respect the rules and I am not making any exception even to real life closest friends that play here.

    3. This is what? Those involved in the chat are teaching eachother badlanguages in polish and ro.

    I wonder if you think before writing since you are contradicting yourself. As for the SS you can't tell xxxx player starts badlanguage since BOTH of them teached eachother bad words in their language translated to ro or polish. And these words " i don't wan a ban 4 him - just showing" , do you even realize how pathetic it is , posted in a report section? Simply report the bad language for ban as no one cares about it for any other reason but in that case both players will be banned since they both used a bad language there, no matter who started.

    Also that thread is as stupid as yours

    So i suppose you're reffering to yourself as well because as i can see you totally forgot GM duties and rules. You don't give names, you have no proofs etc. Comparing to you, these guys got few years of experience logged and never did that just because another guy is the friend. JoeDirt simply posted with his normal character just because i also consider rude calling and shouting loosers on each step on post just because some newbies get killed. If you can't stand competition go to Nonpvp server and don't act like kids on pvp.

    No one was banned for calling someone a noob once as for the explanation noob is totally different to loser, idiot, etc. Learn some proper english before.

    Noob = mostly beginner

    As for those that report each "noob" line they won't get anyone banned as long as they are not persistent and forget their manners got it?

    You can't expect ppl to stop reporting such non-sense because that's the gaming world. Some ppl would even report someone for saying "hi" but this doesn't mean that the report will be taken into consideration.

    Indeed your last comment just shows your kind of language you are using and the imaturity.

    As for the end: seems we'll need to rediscuss some aspects as you totally failed on the reading rules and discussions around.

    You're defending someone that used a bad language and got banned 1 day correctly because of what? Because is your friend or a guild member ? Woho ... you totally failed here. A GM has no idea of the report rules ... what kinda example you give to the players?

    How come Nikita who is polish as well is being equal to everyone and read the whole meaning of a thread before giving a decision?

    I wanna see you on ts3 as soon as possible because as far as i remember i told that is part of GM duty right? GM duties are far ahead your character needs and little fights so it seems i'll need to reming you these rules as you forgot them pretty damn fast and i don't like such things.

    Also check PM

    PS: Quick2326, get real and don't backup some non'thinked words. The real speach is the one i gave explaining each part and if you got some brains you'll make the difference.

    As for the kiddies reports, I won't tell you again to leave aside these stupid fights because you won't do it. Some of you simply don't know how to enjoy this game and ignore any potential jerks that exist in every online game.

    You get pissed off because some of your guild mate got banned because he was stupid enough to use bad language so you act like kids and start fighting instead of thinking who did the mistake after all. Remember I was a player once so i'm not strange to such things but hell yea, i was more mature than these stupid fights. I didn't even reported someone once even if he used a bad language just because i didn't wanted to go down on his level.
    catakills, Fullmetal, r3nu and 3 others like this.
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